THE Horticultural Exhibition was duly opened on Saturday last, in the presence of a large and distinguished crowd, by the Duke of Connaught. It is, of course, early in the day to speak of the Exhibition proper, that is to say, of the exhibits, for in accordance with what I have come to regard as the rule, at the commencement of all successful Exhibitions, few of these are as yet visible to the naked eye. One part of the main building, however, that laid out as a garden, is remarkably clever and pleasing, and will, I am sure, especially in wet weather, be immensely popular. Outside, the grounds are much as they have been in former years. The Welcome Club is to the fore, the Switchback Railway is patronised by shrieking crowds of passengers, the bands play as delightfully as of yore, and at night the illuminations are as picturesque as those of previous years.
IT is, however, the Wild West Show which will, I venture to think, prove the principal attraction and mainstay of the Exhibition, and certainly all London will be drawn to the great arena where Buffalo Bill, handsome and picturesque as ever, albeit a trifle greyer than he was five years ago, and his Cowboys, Indians, Buckjumpers, and other fearsome wild fowl, do deeds of daring and of wonder twice a day. The Wild West Show is just as big as ever, and anything larger in its way I cannot imagine, and do not intend to try. There have been many changes in the company since it was last in London, almost all the Indians are new, and many of the Cowboys are fresh importations. Buck Taylor is no longer with the show, for he, poor fellow, is lying seriously ill in America from the effects of an attack recently made upon him by four men; Annie Oakley, the "Little Sure Shot" of the company, is with us once more; and with the popular Nate Salsbury in his old place, with some of his former stories, and a set of new ones as well, as vice-president and director, and the no less popular Major Jack Burke, who, with his long hair and large hat, resembles Buffalo Bill closely, the big show has lost nothing of its attractiveness, and will be just as popular, I believe, during its present stay as it was on the occasion of its last.
WHEN Colonel, the Hon. Buffalo Bill Cody was over here last time, we heard much of him, a good deal about his daughter, but nothing at all about his wife. It is therefore, interesting to know that Mrs. Buffalo Bill lives in a house called "Scout's Rest," four miles from North Platte, on the Union Pacific Railway. The house is described as an old-fashioned low building, surrounded by three thousand acres with shrubs and pasturage, and thousands of horses and cattle. Mrs. Cody is described as an amiable and kindly woman, popular with her neighbours, and her life is said to have been as interesting as the career of one of Bret Harte's heroines. Mrs. Cody's daughter is married to a wealthy Nebraska lumber man, who is quite a leading personage in North Platte Society.
IN another portion of the paper will be found the first of a series of "Wild West Chats" and as is right and proper the author has taken for his first subject Buffalo Bill himself. In due course "Chats" with Mr. Nate Salisbury, Major Burke, Miss Annie Oakley, and several of the best known Indian Chiefs, and Cowboys will be reproduced, which will, I venture to think, be found extremely interesting at the present time, for most of the good folks attached to the Wild West, have indeed had the most remarkable careers.
THOSE who feel an interest in such matters may feel concerned when I tell them that Buffalo Bill's name in Red Indian language is Pa-e-pas-Ka.