Title: The "Wild West" Show at Windsor Castle
Periodical: St. James's Gazette
Date: June 27, 1892
Colonel Cody and his Wild West company had the honour of appearing before the Queen in the grounds of Windsor Castle on Saturday. The weather was all that could be desired, and the ground presented a very brilliant appearance when the royal party arrived on the scene. Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg and Princess Christian were among those present to witness the performance. The programme opened with a race between the representatives of each of the different nationalities—the American cowboys, the Red Indians, the Mexicans, the Cossacks, and the Gauchos. Then followed a series of scenes of Indian camp life, which the red men went through with much spirit, after which the Gauchos, whose picturesque costumes and intrepid feats greatly interested the royal party, gave their performance. Next came "the race for life," showing Colonel Cody and a band of cowboys being pursued by hostile Indians, whom they ultimately defeated. The Cossacks, under Prince Ivan Makharadze, also gave exhibitions of horsemanship and dancing. The buckjumpers and cowboys went through their performances, and Colonel Cody displayed his dexterity as a marksman, the entertainment being brought to a close by a general salute by all sections of horsemen, which was graciously acknowledged by the Queen. Colonel Cody, Mr. Sainsbury (director), and Mr. Burke (manager) had the honour of being presented to her Majesty after the performance.
Title: The "Wild West" Show at Windsor Castle
Periodical: St. James's Gazette
Source: McCracken Research Library, Buffalo Bill Center of the West, MS6.3778.065.08
Date: June 27, 1892
Topics: Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain
Keywords: Cossacks Cowboys Exhibitions Gauchos Horsemanship Indians of North America Mexicans Scrapbooks Shooting Traveling exhibitions Windsor Castle
People: Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg, 1857-1944 Burke, John M., 1842-1917 Henry Maurice, Prince of Battenberg, 1858-1896 Salsbury, Nathan, 1846-1902 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Place: London (England)
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