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Lakota Performers

1042 items

Contract with James Black Bull
January 31, 1906 Texts Records
Contract with Good Voice Elk
January 31, 1906 Texts Records
Contract with Daniel Black Horn
March 3, 1910 Texts Records
Contract with Chas. Blind Man
January 31, 1906 Texts Records
Contract with Bushy Top Pine
January 31, 1906 Texts Records
Contract with Alvin Plenty Star
April 23, 1907 Texts Records
Conservative Meeting at Woodbridge
May 6, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Multimedia Audio
Multimedia Audio
The Coming of Cody
May 13, 1888 Texts Newspapers
July 20, 1901 Texts Newspapers
Colonel William F. Cody — Buffalo Bill
July 20, 1901 Texts Newspapers
Col Wm. F. Cody in Historic Pictures
January 27, 1917 Texts Periodicals
Col. Cody in the East
Texts Newspapers
Cody's Old Pard Adjectival On Coming Circus
June 4, 1914 Texts Newspapers
A Close Call.
circa 1894 Images Poster
Christening the Papoose
February 19, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Christening an Indian Baby
February 16, 1888 Texts Newspapers
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