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Browse by People

2 Zitkala-Sa
1 Zeiter, Levi Z., 1834-1904
1 Young Man Not Afraid of a Thirst (Sioux Indian)
1 Young Man Afraid of His Horse, approximately 1830-1900
9 Young, Brigham, 1801-1877
47 Yellow Hand, 1850?-1876
1 Yellow Hair (Hay-o-wei or Heova'ehe), c.1850-1876
3 Yegen, Peter, 1860-1937
3 Yegen, Christian, 1857-1935
1 Yankton Charlie
1 Wyndham, Charles, 1837-1919
1 Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877
1 Wren, Christopher, Sir,1632-1723
1 Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723
14 Wovoka, approximately 1856-1932
1 Wounded with Many Arrows (Sioux Indian)
1 Wounded Horse, Mrs.
1 Wounded Horse (Sioux Indian)
3 Woods, Alfred Wilderman, 1857-1942
1 Wood, W. E.
2 Wood, Stanley L., 1866-1928
7 Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927
2 Woman's Dress
1 Wolfheart, Jerome
2 Winch, Frank
1 Winans, Walter, 1852-1920
1 Wiman, Erastus, 1834-1904
9 Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924
2 Wilson, William Bauchop, 1862-1934
2 Wilson, Charles L., 1818-1878
2 Willoughby, James W.
3 William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941
1 William I, King of England, 1027 or 1028-1087
1 Wilkinson, Thomas W.
3 Wiley, Solon Lysander, 1840-1926
3 Wilder, Marshall P. (Marshall Pinckney), 1859-1915
1 Wilde, William Charles Kingsbury, 1852-1899
4 Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900
1 Wilbraham, Edward Bootle, 1771-1853
1 Whittlesey, Eliphalet, 1821-1909
1 Whittaker, Margaret "Ma", 1827-1893
2 Whitside, Samuel M., 1839-1902
1 Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
25 Whitley, John Robinson, 1843-1922
1 White Rabbit (Sioux Indian)
2 White Horse (Lakota Indian chief)
1 White Fawn
1 White Face (Sioux Indian chief)
1 White Eagle (Ponca Indian chief), 1840-1914
1 White Bear Claws, James
1 Whirlwind Horse, Tom
1 Whirlwind Horse
3 Whirling Horse
1 Whirling Hawk
1 Whipple, Henry Benjamin, 1822-1901
1 Wheeler, Homer W.
6 Wheaton
1 Wharton, Theodore, Mrs.
7 Wharton, Theodore
1 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928
1 Whalen, John
1 Wetmore, Hugh A.
2 Wetmore, Helen Cody, 1850-1911
1 Westminster, Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, Duke of, 1825-1899
1 West, Dr. E. G.
3 West, Benjamin, 1738-1820
1 Welsh, William, 1807-1878
3 Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941
2 Wells, Philip
1 Wells
4 Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
1 Weir, Hugh C. (Hugh Cosgro), 1884-1934
1 Wayne, Frances
1 Washington, Martha, 1731-1802
4 Washington, George, 1732-1799
3 Warren, Francis E. (Francis Emroy), Mrs.
8 Warren, Francis E. (Francis Emroy), 1844-1929
5 Ward, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1834-1906
2 Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867
1 Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922
1 Waller, Thomas MacDonald, 1840-1924
1 Waller, Thomas M., 1840-1924, Consul-General to London, 1885-1889
5 Wallace, George D., 1849-1890
1 Walker, Leicester
1 Walcamp, Marie, 1894-1936
1 Vry, Clyde
91 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
1 Victoria Melita, Grand Duchess Cyril of Russia, 1876-1936
1 Victoria, Empress, consort of Frederick III, German Emperor, 1840-1901
1 Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 1820-1878
1 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 1794-1877
1 Van Zandt, Marie 1858-1919
1 Van Wyck, Robert Anderson, 1849-1918
4 Van Dreveldt, Ernest
1 Valda, Giulia, 1855-1925
1 Understanding Crow (Sioux Indian)
1 Uncas, Chief of the Mohegans, -1684
2 Umberto I, King of Italy, 1844-1900
1 Tyndall, John, 1820-1893
1 Tynan, Thomas T., 1860-1925
1 Tyler, John, 1790-1862
8 Two Strike, 1832-1915
1 Two Lance (Sioux Indian chief)
4 Two Bulls, Amos
5 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
2 Turner, J. M. W. (Joseph Mallord William), 1775-1851
1 Tupper, Tullius C.
4 Tupper, Charles, Sir, 1821-1915
3 Trego, Charles, 1856-1925
1 Train, George Francis, 1829-1904
1 Tozer, Basil, 1868-1949
2 Townsend, George Alfred, 1841-1914
1 Torrey, Jay L., 1852-1920
1 Toole, John Lawrence, 1830-1906
1 Tony
1 Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
1 Tochio
1 Titterington, Olive Word
3 Tipton, F. A.
3 Tillman, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Ryan), Mrs.
3 Tillman, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Ryan), 1847-1918
1 Tillett, Ben, 1860-1943
1 Tilford
1 Thorpe, Jim, 1887-1953
2 Thompson, Vance, 1863-1925
1 Thompson, Ray
1 Thoman
1 Thimm, Carl Albert
7 Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906
6 Terry, Ellen, Dame, 1847-1928
7 Terry, Alfred Howe, 1827-1890
1 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892
14 Temple, Frederick, 1821-1902
2 Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief, 1768-1813
1 Tearle, George Osmond, 1852-1901
48 Taylor, William Levi, 1857-1924
2 Taylor, Charles
1 Tavibo
1 Tantlinger, Edith
13 Tammen, Harry Heye, 1856-1924
2 Tallman, Clay, Mrs.
2 Tallman, Clay, 1874-1949
14 Tall Bull (Lakota Indian chief), 1830-1869
1 Takes Enemy
1 Takes Away From Them, Herbert
1 Taite
2 Tait, John H., c.1873-1940
1 Tait
1 Sword, James Brade, b. 1802
2 Sword, George
15 Sweeney, William, 1856-1917
2 Sumner, Samuel S. (Samuel Storrow), 1842-1937
1 Sumner, Edwin Vose, 1835-1912
3 Sully, Thomas, 1783-1872
5 Sullivan, John Lawrence, 1858-1918
1 Sullivan, Dennis
1 Sturgis, Samuel Davis, 1822-1889
1 Stuart, E. M.
2 Stuart
1 Strunk, William A.
1 Strikes Plenty, Jefferson
1 Strakosch, Moritz, -1887
1 Story, William Wetmore, 1819-1895
4 Stokes, Edward S., 1841-1901
1 Stinking Bear (Sioux chief)
2 Stewart
1 Steve
2 Stephens, John H. (John Hall), Mrs.
2 Stephens, John H. (John Hall), 1847-1924
2 Stephanie, Princess of Belgium, 1864-1945
1 Stella
1 Steel, Fannie Sperry, 1887-1983
2 Stark, Charles F.
1 Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869
1 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 1815-1881
4 Standing Soldier, Phillip, 1876-
1 Standing Bill (Sioux Indian)
1 Standing Bear, Luther, Jr.
9 Standing Bear, Luther, 1868?-1939
3 Standing Bear, Laura
1 Standing Bear, Alexander Pearl Olive Birmingham England, 1903-
2 Standing Bear, 1859-1933
2 Stager, Anson, 1825-1885
1 Stabber, Thomas
1 Stabber, Sallie
1 Squires, Herbert G.
9 Spotted Tail, 1823-1881
1 Spotted Owl, Joshua
2 Spotted Horse, Willie
1 Spotted Eagle
10 Spoor, George K., 1872-1953
1 Spider, Mark
1 Spencer-Churchill, Lord Rancolph Henry, 1849-1895
3 Speed, John Gilmer, 1853-1909
1 Spark, William, 1823-1897
1 Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932
1 Sosey, Frank H., 1864-1934
1 Sorenson, Daisy May
2 Snyder, W. O. "Okie"
1 Snyder, W. O.
2 Smith, William R., Mrs.
2 Smith, William R.
2 Smith, Michael Hoke, 1855-1931
10 Smith, Lillian Frances, 1871-1930
2 Smith, Joseph, Jr., 1805-1844
2 Smith, John, 1580-1631
1 Smith, H. E.
1 Smith, Green Clay, 1826-1895
2 Smith, George Otis, 1871-1944
3 Smith, Addison T. (Addison Taylor), Mrs.
3 Smith, Addison T. (Addison Taylor), 1862-1956
2 Smith
1 Smalley, George W. (George Washburn), 1833-1916
1 Skinner, L. A.
2 Sitting Holy
1 Sitting Bull Jr., 1834-1890
1 Sitting Bull, John William, 1877-1956
75 Sitting Bull, 1831-1890
2 Sinnott, N. J. (Nicholas John), 1870-1929
1 Simmons, Hank
17 Sickel, Horatio Gates, Jr.
1 Shot At, John
1 Short Man
51 Short Bull, -1915
1 Short Bull (Tatanka Ptecela) c.1845-1923
3 Short Bull (Oglala Lakota chief), approximately 1851 - 1935
1 Short Bear (Sioux Indian)
2 Shooting Pieces
15 Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
30 Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888
2 Sheridan, Michael V. (Michael Vincent), 1840-1918
1 Shepperson, Claude A. (Claude Allin), 1867-1921
1 Sheible, A. E.
2 Sheap, Mrs.
2 Sheap, Dr.
1 Shaw, Alice J.
1 Shatz, Otto
1 Shangreen, Louis
2 Shangreaux, John, c. 1854-1926
4 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
1 Shafter, William Rufus, 1835-1906
3 Shafroth, John F. (John Franklin), Mrs.
3 Shafroth, John F. (John Franklin), 1854-1922
1 Seymour, Katie
2 Sells, Cato, Mrs.
8 Sells, Cato, 1859-1948
1 Selkirk, Alexander, 1676-1721
1 Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
1 Scott, Mrs. J. S.
2 Scott, Hugh Lenox, 1853-1934
12 Schwoob, Jacob M., 1874-1932
1 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906
4 Schunk
1 Schreiber, Edmund
7 Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906
1 Schoeffel, John B., -1918
1 Schmidt, Cora Crim, 1876-1939
1 Sayaji Rao Gaekwar III, Maharaja of Baroda, 1863-1939
1 Savoia, Emanuele Filiberto di, duca d'Aosta, 1869-1931
1 Satterlee, Herbert Livingston, 1863-1947
5 Sartain, John, 1808-1897
2 Sanger, George, 1827-1911
1 Sanger, Frank W., -1904
1 Sanford
2 Sands Rock
1 Salvini, Tommaso, 1829-1915
1 Salsbury, Rachel
158 Salsbury, Nathan, 1846-1902
6 Ryan, Jerry
3 Ryan, James
1 Russell, William Hepburn, 1812-1872
5 Russell, Michael R. "Mike", 1847-1930
17 Russell, Henry Sturgis
1 Ruskin, J. (John), 1819-1900
21 Rumsey, Bronson, II, 1854-1946
1 Ruger, Thomas Howard, 1833-1907
1 Ruffo, Titta, 1877-1953
1 Rudor, Leroy
2 Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, 1858-1889
3 Rucker, Daniel Henry, 1812-1910
6 Royall, William B. (William Bedford), 1825-1895
1 Royal, Rhoda
3 Rowley, Clarence W., 1871-1943
2 Rothschild, Willy de, Baroness, 1832-1924
1 Rothschild, Leopold de, 1845-1917
1 Rothermel, Peter Frederick, 1812-1895
1 Roscoe, Henry E. (Henry Enfield), 1833-1915
1 Rosas, Juan Manuel de, 1793-1877
1 Ros, George
22 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
1 Romanov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich)
1 Rolfe, John, 1585-1622
1 Rohl-Smith, Carl, 1848-1900
2 Rogers, M. Edward
29 Rocky Bear
1 Roche, John A. (John Alexander), 1813-1898
5 Robinson, Emma Lake Thatcher
2 Ricks, Martha Ann, approximately 1817-
33 Richmond, Frank, -1890
1 Richardson, Francis A. (Francis Asbury), 1843-1926
3 Richards, William Alford, 1849-1912
1 Richards, Jarlett
2 Richards, DeForest, 1846-1903
1 Richards
1 Richard III, King of England, 1452-1485
1 Rhoads, C. B.
1 Revere, Paul, 1735-1818
1 Revenge
1 Reno, Marcus A. (Marcus Albert), 1835-1889
2 Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909
6 Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883
62 Red Shirt, 1845?-1925
1 Red Rose (Sioux Indian)
1 Red Rose
1 Red Jacket, Seneca chief, approximately 1756-1830
2 Red Horn Bull
1 Red Fish, Frank, 1878 -
1 Red Ear Horse, Max
3 Red Cloud, Jack, 1862-1928
23 Red Cloud, 1822-1909
1 Red Bird (Sioux Indian)
1 Red Bear, Edgar, 1880 -
2 Ray
1 Raven-Hill, L. (Leonard), 1867-1942
1 Rath, Charles, 1836-1902
5 Raphael, 1483-1520
2 Randall, George Morton, 1841-1918
1 Rampolla del Tindaro, Mariano, 1843-1913
1 Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618
2 Raker, John Edward, Mrs.
2 Raker, John Edward, 1863-1926
2 Rain in the Face, approximately 1835-1905
1 Quimby, H. L.
1 Putnam, F. W. (Frederic Ward), 1839-1915
1 Pry, Polly
1 Proctor, Redfield, 1831-1908
3 Price, George F. (George Frederic), -1888
3 Preston, Guy
3 Powers, P. A. (Patrick Anthony)
1 Powell, Will
1 Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902
1 Powell, George
1 Powell, Frank
8 Powell, David Franklin, 1847-1906
2 Potter, Cora Urquhart, 1857-1936
1 Pope, J. W. (James Worden), 1846-1919
1 Pontiac, Ottawa Chief, -1769
5 Ponsonby, Henry Frederick, Sir, 1825-1895
2 Polhamus, M. F.
1 Polard
1 Pochin, Henry Davis
2 Pocahontas, -1617
3 Plenty Wounds
1 Plenty Wolf, Charles
1 Plenty Horses, d. 1933
1 Plenty Holes, Edward
1 Plenty Coups
1 Playter, Wellington, 1879-1937
1 Platt, Henry B.
2 Pinkerton, Allan, 1876-1930
1 Pierce, Nell
1 Pierce
1 Pickett, Bill, approximately 1860-1932
1 Picket Pin, Willie
1 Philip, John Woodward, 1840-1900
5 Phelps, William Walter, 1839-1894
1 Phelan, J. R.
1 Pettigrew, Richard F. (Richard Franklin), 1848-1926
1 Petit, Dinshaw Manockjee, 1823-1901
2 Peter, the Apostle, Saint
1 Perry, Edwin A
4 Penney, Charles G., 1844-
1 Penn, William, 1644-1718
2 Penfield, Frederic Courtland, 1855-1922
1 Pels, Martinus Petrus, approximately 1837-1906
1 Pease, Joseph W. (Joseph Whitwell), 1828-1903
1 Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920
1 Peake, John H., 1848-1905
1 Peake, John A.
1 Payne, David Lewis, 1836-1884
5 Paxton, William A., 1837-1907
1 Paul, C. Kegan (Charles Kegan), 1828-1902
3 Patti, Adelina, 1843-1919
1 Parts His Hair (Sioux Indian)
1 Parr, Lulu Bell
1 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 1846-1891
1 Parks, W. L.
1 Parkinson, J. C. (Joseph Charles), 1832-
1 Parker, Lew
1 Parker, Jenny Marsh, 1836-1913
1 Parker, J. A.
1 Paris, Louis-Philippe-Albert d'Orléans, comte de, 1838-1894
2 Palmer, Potter, 1826-1902
1 Palmer, Bertha Honoré, 1849-1918
1 Painted Horse, John
2 Painted Horse (Sioux Indian)
1 Own the Dog (Sioux Indian)
2 Overton, Eugene
9 Otakte, d. 1890
5 Orléans, Philippe, duc d', 1869-1926
1 Oregon Bill
1 Ord
1 Orapeso, Bisento
2 Oppenheimer, William
2 O'Neill, Hugh
1 One Star (Sioux Indian)
1 One Bull, 1853-1947
1 on the Cow, Louis
19 Omohundro, John Burwell, 1846-1880
1 Old Flat Iron
1 Oglala Indians
1 Offley
2 O'Dwyer, Brian Keating
2 O'Driscoll, Florence
3 Ochiltree, Thomas P. (Thomas Peck), 1837-1902
1 O'Brien, John D.
23 O'Beirne, James Rowan, 1844-1917
188 Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926
2 Nye, Bill, 1850-1896
1 Noted, Marcus
6 North, Frank J. (Frank Joshua), 1840-1885
7 Nordica, Lillian, 1857-1914
6 Noble, John W. (John Willcock), 1831-1912
6 No Neck, Johnny Burke, 1883-1921
29 No Neck (Tahu Wanica)
1 Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1868-1918
1 Newman, Paul, 1925-2008
1 Nevada, Emma, 1859-1940
2 Nelson, Thomas
2 Nelson, Rose
3 Nelson, Julie
1 Nelson, John Young, Jr.
33 Nelson, John Young, 1826-1903
4 Nelson, Jenny
2 Nelson, James
2 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805
1 Neilson, Adelaide, 1848-1880
1 Natchez, 1893-1958
6 Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
8 Nagle, S. V.
8 Nagle, F. A.
2 Murray, William H. (William Henry), 1869-1956
1 Murat, Achille, 1801-1847
1 Mulhall, Lucille, 1885-1940
1 Mulhall, Georgia
1 Motley, John Lathrop, 1814-1877
6 Moses, Mollie
1 Moses (Biblical leader)
1 Morse, Waldo G.
1 Morrison, William
1 Morrison, J. A.
3 Morrill, Charles H., 1842-1928
1 Morlacchi, Giuseppina, 1846-1886
3 Morlacchi, Giuseppina, 1836-1886
6 Morgan, Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson), 1839-1902
1 Morgan, Owen, 1836-1921
7 Morgan, Matthew Somerville, 1839-1890
1 Mores, Dr.
1 Mooney, James, 1861-1921
1 Monk, Hank, 1826-1883
1 Mondell, Frank Wheeler, 1860-1939
2 Moffett, Cleveland, 1863-1926
1 Milner, Moses Embree, 1829-1876
2 Milner, Henry Ernest
2 Mills, Anson, b. 1834
2 Millis, Orville E., 1857-1935
1 Miller, Joseph C.
3 Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913
2 Miller, Clarence B., Mrs.
2 Miller, Clarence B., 1872-1922
2 Miller, Charlie, 1850-1955
2 Millais, John Everett, 1829-1896
1 Miles, Sherman, 1882-1966
93 Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925
1 Miles, Carlos
2 Mikhail Nikolaevich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1832-1909
1 Mikhail Mikhaiĭlovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1861-1929
3 Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1878-1918
6 Michaelangelo, 1475-1564
1 Miantonomo, Sachem of the Narragansetts, -1643
1 Meyer, William F.
1 Metcalf, Joseph Maul, 1846-1905
23 Merritt, Wesley, 1834-1910
1 Merriam, Henry C. (Henry Clay), 1837-1912
2 Meritt, Edgar Briant, Mrs.
2 Meritt, Edgar Briant, 1874-
1 Mellen, Charles S. (Charles Sanger), 1851-1927
1 Meeker, Nathan Cook, 1814-1879
1 Meagher, Thomas Francis, 1823-1867
13 Mead, Elwood, 1858-1936
1 McTague, James Hugh, 1858-1926
3 McLaughlin, James, 1842-1923
1 McKinney, John R.
1 McKenzie
1 McIntosh, Burr, 1862-1942
1 McHenry, Nellie
7 McGinty, William M., 1871-1961
3 McDonald
5 McCune, William Francis
1 McCullough, John, 1832-1885
1 McClintock, James
1 McCarthy, Justin, 1830-1912
2 McCarthy, John J.
3 McCarthy
1 McAllister, Ward, 1827-1895
18 Mazepa, Ivan Stepanovych, 1639-1709
1 Maxwell, Robert Alexander, 1838-1912
29 Maus, Marion P. (Marion Perry), 1850-1930
4 Maud, Queen, consort of Haakon VII, King of Norway, 1869-1938
1 Masterson, Bat, 1853-1921
1 Massett, Stephen C.
1 Mason, Walt, 1862-1939
1 Mary, Princess, Duchess of Teck, 1833-1897
1 Martin, John Henry, -1910
1 Martin, George W. (George Washington), 1841-1914
1 Marston, Lawrence
4 Marshall, Edward, 1870-1933
1 Marshall, Charles L.
1 Marsh, James
1 Marquette, George, 1841-1906
1 Markwith
1 Marie-Henriette, Queen, consort of Léopold II, King of the Belgians, 1836-1902
1 Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938
1 Marie Alexandrovna, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1853-1920
1 Maria Ludwiga, Princess of Bavaria
3 Margherita, Queen, consort of Umberto I, King of Italy, 1851-1926
1 Mapleson, James Henry, 1830-1901
2 Manning, Henry Edward, 1808-1892
3 Mann, James D.
1 Manderson, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), 1837-1911
1 Man Afraid of Hawk, (Sioux Indian) -1900
1 Maley, Thomas E.
2 Majors, Alexander, 1814-1900
1 Maitland, Peregrine, 1777-1854
1 MacRae, Henry, 1888-1944
1 MacKinlay, Antoinette Sterling, -1904
1 Mackenzie, Robert, 1823-1881
2 MacKaye, Steele, 1842-1894
1 Mackay, Marie Louise Hungerford Bryant, 1843-1928
1 Lux, E. T.
8 Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria, 1821-1912
1 Ludwig III, King of Bavaria, 1845-1921
1 Lucier
2 Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
1 Low Neck
2 Louise, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, 1867-1931
8 Louise, Princess, Duchess of Argyll, 1848-1939
1 Lothrop, George E.
1 Loring, George B. (George Bailey), 1817-1891
1 Long Wolf, Lizzie
16 Long Wolf, 1833?-1892
2 Long Bull, John
2 Lone Wolf
16 Lone Bull
7 Lone Bear, Samuel
7 Lone Bear, Sam
4 Lone Bear, Mary
5 Lone Bear (Oglala Sioux chief)
3 Livingston, Carroll, approximately 1833-1904
2 Littlemoon, Walter
1 Little Wound (Sioux Indian)
1 Little Wolf, -1904
4 Little Moon, Wilson
3 Little Moon, Rose
3 Little Moon, Rosa
5 Little Moon, Pauline
5 Little Moon, Joe
6 Little Moon, Gilbert
7 Little Moon, Francis
2 Little Horse (Tasunke Ciqala)
1 Little Hawk
2 Little Finger
2 Little Elks, Virginia
2 Little Elks, Lucy
2 Little Elks, John
4 Little Elk, John
1 Little Elk (Sioux Indian)
1 Little Dog (Sioux Indian)
20 Little Chief, b. 1851
1 Little, Charles
2 Little Bull (Arapahoe Indian chief)
1 Little Boy, Charlie
1 Little Bear Cree chief, 1851-1921
2 Little, Amos
1 Link, Jonathon
2 Link, Andrew
1 Lininger, George Washington, 1834-1901
5 Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
15 Lillie, Gordon William, 1860-1942
2 Liddiard, William H. (Rattlesnake Pete)
3 Léopold II, King of the Belgians, 1835-1909
26 Leo XIII, Pope, 1810-1903
1 Lemly, H. R.
1 Leiter, Levi Z. (Levi Ziegler), 1834-1904
3 Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870
24 Lee, Jesse M.
1 Lee, J. W. (Jesse W.), 1868-
1 Lee, Harry A.
2 Lee, Fitzhugh, 1835-1905
1 Ledger, Edward, -1921
2 Le Fanu, Brinsley, 1854-1929
1 Lazy Boy
9 Langtry, Lillie, 1853-1929
36 Lane, Franklin Knight, 1864-1921
3 Lane, Franklin K., Mrs.
2 Lane, Franklin K., Jr.
3 Landreth, Burnet, 1842-1928
1 Lamington, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart Cochrane-Baillie, Baron, 1816-1890
1 Lamar, L. Q. C. (Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus), 1825-1893
1 Labouchere, Henry Du Pré, 1831-1912
1 Laborg, Susie
1 Kirnan, Bea
1 Kiralfy, Imre, 1845-1919
1 Kiralfy, Bolossy, -1932
6 Kinzie, John J.
2 Kinloch, Alexander Angus Airlie, 1838-1919
3 Kingsbury
1 King, Fay
37 King, Charles, 1844-1933
3 Kimball
3 Kills First
1 Kills Close to the Lodge
1 Killer, Jacob
1 Killed Close to Home (Sioux Indian)
1 Kill His Pony (Lakota Sioux Indian)
2 Kill Head (Sioux Indian), -1904
45 Kicking Bear, 1853-1904
1 Kicking Bear (Mato Wanartaka) 1846-1904
1 Kicking Bear
1 Kerr
1 Kerngood Schloss, Fanny, 1881-1956
3 Kerngood, Moses, 1847 - 1905
2 Kent, William, 1864-1928
1 Kent
3 Kelsey, Frank C., c. 1863-1933
1 Kelley, Fitch
1 Keetley, Charles
2 Keen, Jule
4 Keeley, Mary Ann, 1806-1899
1 Kay, Edward E. (Edward Ebenezer), 1822-1897
1 Kavtaradze, Teophane
2 Kaufman, Charles E.
1 Käsebier, Gertrude, 1852-1934
2 Kapiolani, Queen of Hawaii, 1834-1899
1 Joyce, John A. (John Alexander), 1842-1915
1 Joyce, E. A.
2 Jones, William Atkinson, 1849-1918
1 Jones, Gordon
1 Jones, D. A.
1 Jones, Charles Jesse, 1844-1919
3 Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, Mrs.
5 Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927
1 Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891
1 Johnston, Clarence T. (Clarence Thomas), 1872-1970
4 Johnston, Albert Sidney, 1803-1862
2 Johnson, Samuel
1 Johnson, Herbert S.
2 Johnson, Frank
1 Johnson, Carter P.
1 Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875
1 Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431
1 Jesus Christ
2 Jerome, Leonard W.
1 Jerome, Leonard J.
2 Jerome, Leonard, 1818-1891
3 Jerome, Lawrence R.
1 Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905
1 Jealous of Them (Sioux Indian)
2 Jackson, Albert
3 Isbell, Thomas Jefferson, 1875-1955
1 Isabella I, Queen of Spain, 1451-1504
2 Irving, William "Broncho Bill", 1856-1903
14 Irving, Henry, Sir, 1838-1905
2 Irving, Ella
2 Irving, Bennie
1 Iron White Man
1 Iron Tail, Willie
2 Iron Tail, Phillip, Jr. -1904
24 Iron Tail Or Sinte Maza 18421916
1 Iron Tail, Mrs.
1 Iron Shallow, Peter
4 Ingraham, Prentiss, 1843-1904
1 Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899
10 Hymer, William Ebert, 1853-1933
1 Huxley, T. H. (Thomas Henry), 1825-1895
1 Hurst
1 Hunter, T. Hayes, 1881-1944
4 Humphrey, Charles Frederic, 1833-1926
1 Hump
8 Hughes-Hallett, Francis 1838-1903
1 Hughes, Robert Patterson, 1839-1909
1 Howard, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1838-1908
1 Houstermann, Lou
1 Horses Voice, Noah
2 Horn Cloud, Joe
1 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894
2 Holmes, J. A. (Joseph Austin), 1859-1915
1 Hollow Horn Bear, (Brulé Lakota Indian), approximately 1850-1913
9 Holdrege, George Ward, 1847-1926
1 Hogarth, Georgina, 1827-1917
1 Hoffman, William
1 Hoffman, Fred
1 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1835-1909
17 Hinkle, Lorin Curtis, 1869-1931
3 Hillberry, Labin
1 High Scream Eagle, Charley
2 High Heron
1 High Eagle
1 High Bear (Sioux Indian chief)
1 Higby, John
1 Higby, Anson, ~1862-?
17 Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876
34 Hermans, August
1 Herbette, Maurice, 1871-
1 Herberg, Bessie
16 Henry Maurice, Prince of Battenberg, 1858-1896
8 Henry, Guy Vernor, 1839-1899
6 Henckel, Charles, 1862-
1 Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Browne, 1793-1835
3 Hecksher, John G.
8 Heckert, Theodore
6 Heaton, J. Henniker
1 Healy, G. P. A. (George Peter Alexander), 1813-1894
1 Head, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793-1875
3 Hazen, William Babcock, 1830-1887
1 Hays, John Coffee, 1817-1883
1 Hayes, E. M.
8 Hayden, Charles E., 1866-1938
6 Hawthorne, Harry L.
2 Hawthorne, Grace, 1847-1922
2 Hawley, Joseph R. (Joseph Roswell), 1826-1905
1 Hauk, Minnie, 1851-1929
1 Haslan, Robert S. (Pony Bob), approximately 1840 -1912
6 Has No Horses
5 Harte, Bret, 1836-1902
7 Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901
3 Harney, William S. (William Selby), 1800-1889
4 Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-1886
3 Hammitt, Frank M., 1869-1903
2 Halstead, Murat, 1829-1908
4 Hall, William Preble, 1848-1927
1 Hall, Sydney Prior, 1842-1922
7 Hall, Samuel Stone, 1838-1886
1 Hale, Nathan, 1755-1776
1 Hale
1 Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616
1 Haggard, Sewell, approximately 1879-1928
1 Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925
1 Haakon VII, King of Norway, 1872-1957
1 Guss, Henry R., 1825-1907
1 Guilfoil
7 Grouard, Frank, 1850-1905
1 Grinnell, C. H.
1 Gregg, Paul
1 Greenwood, Grace, 1823-1904
1 Greene, Clay Meredith, 1850-1933
1 Green, Lish
13 Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
1 Grant, Lewis Addison, 1828 - 1918
1 Grainger, G.
2 Graham, James M. (James McMahon), Mrs.
2 Graham, James M. (James McMahon), 1852-1945
1 Graham, James C.
11 Gower, Ronald Sutherland, Lord, 1845-1916
1 Gould, Arthur Corbin, 1850-1903
1 Goschen, George Joachim Goschen, Viscount, 1831-1907
1 Gore, St. George, 1811-1878
7 Goodman, Julia Melvina Cody, 1843-1928
3 Goodman, James Alvin, 1834-1901
4 Goodman, Edward Robert, 1868-1949
1 Good Voiced Crow (Oglala Sioux Indian)
1 Good Voice Eagle (Sioux Indian)
1 Good Lance, James
2 Good Face, Annie
1 Good Eagle
1 Good Crow, Abraham
1 Good Boy, Sam
1 Gondos, Joseph
2 Goldenberg, Carl T.
1 Godfrey, Edward Settle, 1843-1932
2 Godfrey, Dan, Sir, 1868-1939
22 Godfrey, Dan. (Daniel), 1831-1903
1 Goble, Warwick, 1862-1943
21 Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898
4 Gladstone, Catherine Glynne, 1812-1900
1 Girard, Frank
1 Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), 1868-1940
1 Gillette, William, 1853-1937
3 Gibbon, John, 1827-1896
1 Ghost-Dog, Mrs.
1 Ghost-Dog, Acy
2 Ghost Dog (Sioux Indian)
1 Ghost Bear, William
1 Ghost
12 Gerrans, Henry M., 1853-1939
1 Geronimo, 1829-1909
2 Gerard, James W. (James Watson), 1867-1951
3 George, Prince, Duke of Cambridge, 1819-1904
1 George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
2 George I, King of the Hellenes, 1845-1913
2 Geary, James
1 Gayler, W. C.
2 Gates, Charles G., 1877-1913
20 Garrison, Lindley M. (Lindley Miller), 1864-1932
1 Garrick, David, 1717-1779
1 Garnier, Baptiste, 1854-1900
6 Garlow, Irma Louise, 1883-1918
4 Garlow, Frederick H., 1881-1918
5 Garlington, Ernest A. (Ernest Albert), 1853-1934
1 Garland, John Watts
1 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 1807-1882
1 Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881
2 Gardner, Michael
4 Gallagher, Benjamin
1 Gaines, George Strother, 1784-1873
1 Gaby
1 Furniss, Harry, 1854-1925
1 Fulton, Henry J.
1 Fry, Smith D. (Smith Dunbar), 1851-1929
8 Fry, James B. (James Barnet), 1827-1894
1 Frost
1 Frog, William
4 Frenzeny, Paul
1 Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890
1 Frederik VIII, King of Denmark, 1843-1912
2 Frederick III, German Emperor, 1831-1888
2 Frederick Augustus III, King of Saxony, 1865-1932
3 Frear, James A. (James Archibald), Mrs.
3 Frear, James A. (James Archibald), 1861-1939
1 Fraser, Frank
2 Franz, Prinz, Herzog von Teck, 1837-1900
1 Franc, Otto, 1846-1903
7 Forsyth, James W. (James William), 1836-1906
7 Forsyth, George Alexander, 1837-1915
4 Foote, Robert, 1834-1916
1 Follansbee, Albert Skinner, 1824-1891
1 Flying Horse
4 Flying Hawk, 1852-1931
2 Flood, D. P.
2 Flies Above (Wakani Kinyan)
1 Flies Above (Wakani Kinyan)
2 Flat Iron
1 Fitzsimmons, Robert James, 1863-1917
1 Fitzroy, Robert, 1805-1865
1 Fitzhugh, Charles Lane
1 Fitch, Roger S.
1 Fiske, Harrison Grey, 1861-1942
3 Fisher, Walter L. (Walter Lowrie), 1862-1935
1 Finn, Trooper
1 Field, Eugene, 1850-1895
10 Ferrel, Della
1 Ferrel, Bessie
1 Ferdinand V, King of Spain, 1452-1516
3 Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1865-1927
1 Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, 1861-1948
2 Fellows, Dexter W. (Dexter William), 1871-1937
1 Fechet
6 Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William), 1831-1903
1 Fabrice, Georg Friedrich Alfred, Graf von, 1818-1891
2 Ewing, Thomas, 1862-1942
1 Ewing
1 Ewers
1 Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901
1 Eustis, Fred J., 1851 or 1852-1912
1 Esquivel, Antonio "Tony", 1862-1914
4 Emory, William H. (William Hemsley), 1811-1887
1 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882
1 Emerson, Edwin, 1869-1959
4 Elwell, Robert Farrington, 1874-1962
1 El Turco, d.1541
1 Egan, Major
50 Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 1841-1910
1 Edward, Prince of Wales, 1330-1376
2 Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931
2 Eastman, Charles Alexander, 1858-1939
3 Eagle Star, Paul, 1864-1891
1 Eagle Road, George
1 Eagle Head (Oglala Sioux Indian)
1 Eagle Bear (Sioux Indian)
3 Dyer, Daniel Burns, 1849-1912
1 Dutton, Sam F.
5 Dunraven, Windham Thomas Wyndham-Quin, earl of, 1841-1926
1 Dunn, H.
12 Duncan, Thomas
1 Dull Knife, approximately 1828-1879 or 1883
1 Dufferin and Ava, Harriot Georgina Blackwood, Marchioness of, 1843?-1936
5 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902
2 Dudley, Nathan Augustus Monroe
1 Duck, George Francis
1 Drum, Richard C. (Richard Coulter), 1825-1909
1 Drum, Hugh Aloysius, 1879-1951
1 Drum
1 Dripping, Philip
1 Downing, Carl
1 Doulton, Henry, Sir, 1820-1897
1 Dougherty
1 Dos Passos, John R. (John Randolph), 1844-1917
1 Donan, P. (Patrick)
1 Dodge, Sylvanus
4 Dodge, Richard Irving, 1827-1895
1 Dodge, Grenville M., 1831-1916
1 Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, 245-313
1 Dinkel
1 Dimmick, Francis Marion, 1827-
3 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870
1 Dewey, George, 1837-1917
1 Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of, 1833-1908
1 Depew, Chauncey M. (Chauncey Mitchell), 1834-1928
2 DeMaris, Charles, 1827-1914
1 Decker, Sophia M. Billings, 1821 - 1910
1 Decker, Mary Hannah Cody Bradford, 1852-1926
1 De Rosselli, Rex
1 De Lussan, Zélie, 1861-1949
1 De Koven, Reginald, 1859-1920
6 Day, Vernon R., 1869-1945
1 Davis, John "Reckless"
1 Davis, E. L.
3 Davies, Henry Eugene, 1836-1894
1 Davidson, J. B.
1 Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882
6 Darrah, Hudson W., 1864-1929
1 Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897
30 Daly, Claude Lorraine
48 Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876
1 Curtis, Catherine
5 Cunningham, Dennis, 1843-
1 Cruss, H. H.
3 Crosby, John Schuyler, 1839-1914
1 Crook, Mary Tapscott Dailey, 1842-1895
23 Crook, George, 1829-1890
1 Cronau, Rudolf, 1855-1939
1 Croker, Richard, 1843-1922
4 Crockett, Davy, 1786-1836
2 Crispi, Francesco, 1818-1901
1 Cressey, Charles H.
1 Creighton, John A., 1831-1907
4 Crazy Horse, approximately 1842-1877
2 Crawford, Theron Clark, 1860-
3 Crawford, Jack, 1847-1917
3 Crager, George Carlton, 1859-1920
4 Craft, Pliny P.
19 Craft, Francis M., 1852-1920
1 Couturier, C.
2 Coutts, W. S. (William Strachan), 1873-
1 Cortés, Hernando, 1485-1547
1 Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554
3 Corbould, A. Chantrey (Alfred Chantrey), 1852-1920
3 Corbin, Henry Clark, 1842-1909
3 Cooper, Ryley
23 Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
1 Connell, Frankie
1 Comstock, William, 1804-1882
2 Compton, Cy.
1 Commissioner Smith
1 Comes Out Holy, Henry, Mrs.
1 Comes Out Holy, Henry
1 Come Last, Thomas, Mrs.
1 Come Last, Thomas, Jr., approximately 1898-
2 Come Last, Thomas, -1904
6 Columbus, Christopher
3 Collins, Mary C. (Mary Clementine), 1847-1920
1 Collier, John
1 Colby
2 Coffin, Maitland
1 Cody, William F. (William Frederick), 1946-1917
92 Cody, William F. (William Frederick), 1846-1917
2 Cody, S. F. (Samuel Franklin), 1861-1913
2 Cody, Orra Maude, 1872-1883
2 Cody, Nellie
2 Cody, Mary Ann Bosnell Laycock, 1827-1863
9 Cody, Louisa Frederici, 1843-1921
2 Cody, Kit Carson, 1870-1876
3 Cody, John Franklin
19 Cody, Isaac, 1811-1857
1 Cloman, Sydney A. (Sydney Amos), 1867-1923
12 Clifford, Henry Marsh
1 Clifford, Henry B., 1859-1915
5 Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908
4 Cleveland, Frances Folsom, 1864-1947
1 Clémentine, Princess of Belgium, 1872-1955
4 Cleaver, Reginald
1 Clarke, Edward, Sir, 1841-1931
3 Clapp, William H., c. 1836-1905
2 Churchill, Randolph Henry Spencer, Lord, 1849-1895
1 Christian IX, King of Denmark, 1818-1906
2 Chladiuk, François
1 Chkhartishvili, Luka (Prince Luka)
1 Chips
1 Children, Willie
1 Chifney, Samuel, approximately 1753-1807
1 Cherokee Bill, 1876-1896
2 Chatterton, Fenimore, 1860-1958
1 Chase, John, 1856-
2 Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-814
11 Charging Thunder (Wakinyan Watakpe or Wakiinya Wakuwa)
1 Charge the Enemy (Sioux Indian)
2 Chapman, John
1 Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977
1 Chamberlain, Joseph, 1836-1914
1 Chaffey, George, 1848-1932
1 Cayvan, Georgia, 1858-1906
1 Casteñeda de Nájera, Pedro de, active 16th century
2 Casey, Edward W.
18 Carver, William F. (William Frank), 1840-1927
1 Caruso, Enrico, 1873-1921
1 Carte, Richard D'Oyly, 1844-1901
4 Carson, Kit, 1809-1868
1 Carson Jr., Kit
1 Carr, Lascelles, 1841-1902
38 Carr, E. A. (Eugene Asa), 1830-1910
1 Carol I, King of Romania, 1839-1914
1 Carnot, Adolphe, 1839-1920
1 Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux, Earl of, 1831-1890
1 Carey, Joseph M., 1845-1924
1 Caprun
1 Capron, Allyn K., Sr., 1846-1898
1 Capron, Allyn K., Jr., 1871-1898
1 Capron
1 Capell, Adele Grant, 1867-1922
2 Canfield, Sherman D., 1865-1939
5 Canfield, George, 1836-1899
1 Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg, 1817-1873
3 Campbell, Philip, Mrs.
3 Campbell, Philip
1 Campbell, L. E.
2 Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889
2 Cameron, P. G.
11 Caetani, Onorato
12 Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824
1 Buxton, Edward North, 1840-1924
1 Button, Jemmy, -1864
10 Butler, Frank E., 1852?-1926
1 Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquess of, 1847-1900
1 Burns, Walter Noble, 1872-1932
2 Burke, John M., -1917
143 Burke, John M., 1842-1917
2 Burke, Carlton
1 Burk, Frederic, 1862-1924
1 Burgess, C. A
2 Burdick, Charles W. (Charles Williams), 1860-1927
1 Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, 1814-1906
2 Burch, George
11 Buntline, Ned, 1822 or 1823-1886
1 Bullock, William
2 Buell, Clarence
2 Buchanan, James, 1791-1868
1 Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925
1 Bruton, Henry, Mrs.
1 Brown-Potter, Cora Urquhart, 1857-1936
2 Brown, William H., -1875
1 Brown, R.
2 Brown, George LeRoy, 1849-1921
2 Brooks, J. R.
1 Brooks, Bryant B. (Bryant Butler), 1861-1944
2 Brooke, John Rutter, 1838-1926
1 Broad Tail
1 Bridger, Jim, 1804-1881
1 Brewer, Pansey
1 Breteche, Paul
16 Brennan, John R., 1847-1919
1 Brave Elk (Sioux Indian)
1 Brave Eagle, Frank
1 Brave Chief
1 Brave
1 Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 1861-1920
1 Bradley, George Granville, 1821-1903
1 Brackett, J. Albert (James Albert), 1867-
1 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1848-1895
1 Boyd, A. S. (Alexander Stuart), 1854-1930
1 Bowie, Jim, 1796?-1836
1 Boulanger, Georges-Ernest-Jean-Marie, 1837-1891
6 Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820
3 Bonheur, Rosa, 1822-1899
13 Bonfils, Frederick Gilmer, 1860-1933
2 Bond, Fred, 1856-1903
6 Bonaparte, Napoléon-Joseph-Charles-Paul, prince, 1822-1891
5 Bogardus, Adam H.
5 Boal, Arta Lucille, 1866-1904
1 Bly, Nellie, 1864-1922
3 Blunt, James G. (James Gillpatrick), 1826-1881
1 Bluehorse, Jose, approximately 1900-1903
2 Blue Horse (Shoshone chief)
1 Bliss, Cornelius N., 1875-1949
1 Blind Man, Charles
1 Blind Eagle (Sioux Indian)
19 Bleistein, George, 1861-1918
2 Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893
1 Black Horse
1 Black Horn, Daniel
4 Black Heart (Oglala Sioux chief)
7 Black Fox, Joe
1 Black Elk, 1863-1950
1 Black Cat
1 Black Bird
1 Black Beaver
1 Black Bear, Alfred
1 Bismarck, Otto, Fürst von, 1815-1898
3 Billingsleg
1 Bigelow, Mary Dallam
1 Bigelow, John, 1854-1936
9 Big Foot, -1890
1 Big Elk
1 Big Charger
1 Big Bear (Cree chief)
4 Bierstadt, Albert, 1830-1902
1 Biddell, Herman
1 Bickersteth, Edward Henry, 1825-1906
2 Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923
1 Berkeley, Stanley
4 Beresford, Charles William De la Poer Beresford, Baron, 1846-1919
1 Béranger, Pierre-Jean de, 1780-1857
1 Benteen, Frederick William, 1834-1898
1 Bennett, Jr., James Gordon
1 Bennett, John, Sir, 1814-1897
5 Bennett, James Gordon, 1841-1918
3 Belt
2 Bell, John S.
1 Belford-Wayne, Francis
1 Beecher, Herbert W., 1839-1931
3 Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887
1 Beecher, H. W., Mrs., 1813-1897
157 Beck, George Washington Thornton, 1856-1943
2 Becht, Louis
18 Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg, 1857-1944
1 Beardsley, Marve
1 Beard, Dewey
1 Bear, Sam Lone
1 Bear One
1 Bear Necklace (Sioux Indian)
1 Bear
1 Bayard, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis), 1828-1898
1 Bay
3 Bates, Gilbert Henderson
1 Bartholdi, Frĭdĭric Auguste, 1834-1904
2 Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste, 1834-1904
1 Barrett, Wilson, 1848-1904
1 Barrera, José, -1949
9 Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810-1891
2 Barneveld, Charles E. van, Dr.
1 Baptiste, John de, 1814-
2 Bankhead, Henry Cary
2 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922
1 Bancroft, Squire, 1841-1926
1 Bancroft, Marie, 1839-1921
37 Baldwin, Frank Dwight, 1842-1923
79 Baker, Lewis H., 1869-1931
3 Baker
1 Bainbridge, Sherman
4 Bailey, James Anthony, 1847-1906
3 Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941
1 Bad Cob (Lakota Indian)
1 Bad Bear
1 Bache
1 Bach, Sarah T.
1 Bach, P. C.
12 Ayers, Ezekiel Jarman, 1866-1931
1 Ayer, Harriet Hubbard, 1849-1903
1 Aumale, Henri d'Orléans, duc d', 1822-1897
12 Augur, Christopher Columbus, 1821-1898
1 Attila, -453
1 Atkins, John D. C. (John Dewitt Clinton), 1825-1908
1 Atkins, J. P.
1 Asquith, H. H. (Herbert Henry), 1852-1928
3 Asch, Morris J.
24 Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught, 1850-1942
1 Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886
1 Aronson, Gilbert Maxwell
1 Arnold, S. A.
1 Armes, George A. (George Augustus), 1844-1919
10 Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of, 1845-1914
1 Arbuckle, Everett E.
6 Applin, Vincent Augustin
1 Anglesey, Henry Paget, Marquess of, 1797-1869
1 Andrew
2 Anderson, Mary, 1859-1940
3 Anderson, Gilbert M., 1880-1971
1 Anderson, A. A. (Abraham Archibald), 1847-1940
2 American Horse, Samuel
7 American Horse, Dakota Chief, 1840-1908
1 American Horse, Ben
1 Amadeo I, King of Spain, 1845-1890
1 Alverstone, Richard Everard Webster, Viscount, 1842-1915
1 Alston, Felix, 1869-1956
1 Allen, J.
1 Allen, Charles W., 1851-1942
1 Alighieri, Dante, 1265-1321
25 Alger, Horace Chapin, 1857-1906
30 Alexandra, Queen, consort of Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 1844-1925
3 Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 1845-1894
13 Alekseĭ Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1850-1908
1 Aldrich, Charles
5 Albert Victor, Prince, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, 1864-1892
1 Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1861
6 Albert I, Prince of Monaco, 1848-1922
1 Albani, Emma, Dame
1 Adelgunde, Princess of Bavaria
1 Adams, Milward, 1857-1923
1 Adams, Granger
1 Adams, George Matthew, 1878-1962
1 Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886
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