Office of the Scout's Rest Stock Ranch, Breeder of Draft, Trotting and Road Horses, Also, Short Horn and Hertford Cattle. Hon. W.F. Cody, Proprietor. C. A. Dillon, Foreman
North Platte, Neb, Apr. 26th 1886 My Dear Mollie—Enclosed find a P.O. for $25. [1] I presume you are getting about ready to come to St. Louis. Wish you would start from home in time to arrive in St. Louis about the 2nd or 3th of May. Go to the. St. James Hotel if I aint there to meet you. I will be there any how by the 3th. [2] I have got you the white horse. and a fine saddle. Suppose you have your habit. [3]
Will be glad to see you—
With Love. W. F. C.