Some Think Annie Oakley Shoots Rifle Bullets from a Shotgun.
Ralph Greenwood in Shooting and Fishing.
I have been greatly surprised recently to observe the amount of public ignorance which exists in regard to firearms. Not long ago a gentleman visited Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and after the performance asked the privilege of examining the guns which Miss Annie Oakley shoots, and the privilege was granted. His conversation led those present to believe he knew much about firearms, for he told of his experience afield, but when he inquired of Miss Oakley if she shot a round bullet or a slug in her double-barreled gun at the artificial targets, it was at once seen that he knew but little of the subject he was discussing so glibly. I was surprised and amused, but Miss Oakley informed me that she almost daily received letters asking some absurd question in relation to her shooting. "Here is one," she continued, and she handed me a letter written from one of the New-York hotels in a neat hand, which showed it came from an intelligent writer—intelligent on all subjects but firearms. The letter read as follows:
My Dear Miss Oakley: Please pardon this letter, but will you have the kindness to settle a heated argument, and at the same time deny the insinuation that you and Mr. Baker use shot and not rifle bullets in your wonderful exhibition. I contend that you use a rifle only with rifle cartridges and bullets, and quite a contingent oppose me; they claim that such wonderful shooting as yours, and especially at night, would be impossible with a bullet.
Certainly Miss Oakley makes no pretense of shooting bullets, and any one who choses to inquire will learn that no bullets are fired in Buffalo Bill's exhibition. Miss Oakley and Johnny Baker shoot with double hammerless shotguns, and yet, I suppose, a large portion of the audience believe they are shooting rifles with bullets, instead of a shotgun with shot.
As to Miss Oakley's guns. I have several times had the pleasure of inspecting them. Those she uses at the present time include two Lancaster guns, one Scott, one Parker, and one Francotte gun. All of these guns are twelve-bore. The Lancaster guns weigh six pounds each; they have twenty-eight inch barrels, with the right barrel modified choke and the left full choke; the stocks are 13½ inches long, with a drop of 1⅞ inches at butt and 1⅛ inches at comb. The other guns are about the same, and all the guns, where it was possible to secure steel barrels, have such.