Lieutenant Casey Shot Dead by the Indians. SITUATION IS STILL TENSE. Railway Officials in the Northwest Uneasy. Seventy Hostiles Have Come In, However, and Gen. Miles Hopes That a Battle May Not Ensue.
CHICAGO, Ill., Jan. 8.—At a late hour there was received at headquarters a dispatch from Gen. Miles at Pine Ridge agency saying that Gen. Brooke reported some fighting yesterday. Lieut. Casey of the twenty-second infantry was shot in the head and instantly killed by a Brule Sioux.
Casey's Body Brought In.
PINE RIDGE, S. D., Jan. 8.—Last night Gen. Brooke sent out a detachment under Lieut. Getty to recover the remains of Lieut. Casey. The body was found stripped but not mutilated. It was borne to Oelrich's, where it will be sent to Fort Keogh, Mont.
Red Cloud came into the agency this morning, and Gen. Miles has appointed an hour to hold a conference with him. The man stepped out of the hostile camp last night and with his wife walked sixteen miles to this place. Gen. Miles is hopeful that his example will be followed by others.
Col. Kent, ispector general of the department of Dakota, fifth infantry, and Col. Baldwin are obtaining all the facts relative to the fight on Wounded Knee creek. This is not, as has been stated, a court of inquiry. No charges have been made against Col. Forsythe for his conduct in that engagement, nor has he been placed under arrest.
Indians at Fort Hall Revolt.
BOISE CITY, Idaho, Jan. 8.—Advices received from Pocatello, Idaho, states that the Indians on the Fort Hall reservation have been revolting and 200 in war paint have taken to the mountains, causing great excitement. The governor has been asked to order the militia to Pocatello. The Indians on the reservation number 1200 or 1300, more than half of whom are Bannocks who caused the prolonged war twelve years ago. The people of Pocatello have almost no arms and the towns of Blackfoot and Eagle Rock are on the border of the reservation. The Indians who took to the mountains are working eastward toward Wyoming. The belief is expressed that if the Indians at Pocatello go on the war path they will be joined by the tribes on the Lemhi reservation who number 500, embracing 125 able-bodied bucks.
All Are Hostiles Now.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 8.—A dispatch to the Journal from Springview, Neb., says: Chief Yellow Horse, formerly lieutenant of the Indian police at Rosebud agency, passed through this town with a considerable following. When asked if he was not afraid to meet the warring element of his tribe he replied: "No, we are all hostiles now." Yellow Horse was supposed to be friendly. Swift Bear and his band, formerly of the same agency, also declared for war. Both chiefs are supposed to be bearing for the hostile camp near Pine Ridge.
Advices from Nebraska border towns indicate a more quiet feeling. Since the arrival of the state militia some of the settlers have returned to their farms, though those in isolated districts still remain in town. Bodies of troops patrol the country round about.
CHICAGO, Ill., Jan. 8.—A dispatch from Pine Ridge agency, S. D., says: Medical Inspector Bathe reports twenty-five wounded Indians and fifteen soldiers in the hospital. Gen. Colby of the Nebraska state militia has eighteen companies protecting the towns of Valentine, Cody, Gordon, Rushville, Hays' Springs, Chadron, Crawford and Harrison, extending 150 miles along the western border of the Pine Ridge and Rosebud agencies. The companies comprise 1700 men. Buffalo Bill is assistant to Gen. Colby and arrived at the agency to-day to confer with Gen. Miles. Col. Baker of Omaha and Major Comegys of Cheyenne are here to pay the troops in the field. It will require $66,000. Col. Shafter, who has been on sick leave, has returned.
The Situation Is Tense.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.—The situation as summed up at the Interior department to-day is about as follows: There are in all about 20,000 Sioux, men, women and children, in the northern reservation. Of this number 16,500 are accounted for, as they are living on the reservation and not taking any part in the present disturbance. This leaves about 3500 men, women and children to face the earthworks, the howitzers and the 6000 men now under the command of Gen. Miles. The hostile camp is located about seventeen miles north of the agency and a cordon of troops surrounds it with the exception of the south side, the object being to drive the Indians into the reservation. There is constant communication between the hostile camp and the agency. The hostiles are well supplied with beef. While the situation is regarded as a hopeless one for the Indians, yet it is believed that they have no intention of surrendering. From the reports received at the interior department the situation is believed to be tense and the people at the agencies are very much disturbed.
The Railroads Scared.
BOISE CITY, Idaho, Jan. 8.—General Manager Ressigns and Superintendent Ayder of the Union Pacific railroad telegraphed from Pocatello to-day to Gov. Wiley, stating that there is danger of an Indian outbreak on the reservation and requesting that troops be sent to that place and that they are ready to furnish transportation.
Capt. Earnest Relieved.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.—Capt. C.A. Earnest, eighth infantry, who was designated to take military charge of one of the Indian reservations, has been relieved of that duty because of illness, and Capt. Joseph H. Hurst, twelfth infantry, has been designated in his place. He will report to Gen. Miles for assignment to-day.
They Fear the Bannocks.
BOISE CITY, Idaho, Jan. 8.—There is no truth in the report of the burning of Pocatello. There is, however, considerable excitement there over the hostile attitude of the Bannocks on the Fort Hall reservation. At the request of a number of citizens of Blackfoot, Gov. Wiley has just shipped by express fifty guns and [unreadable]000 rounds of ammunition.
Indian Agent Royers Bounced.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.—Secretary Noble has sent a dispatch to Agent Royers at Pine Ridge dismissing him. Capt. Pierce will take his place.
Hostiles Coming In.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.—Gen. Schofield this morning received the following telegram from Gen. Miles, dated Pine Ridge agency. Jan. 8: "Twenty Indians came in from hostile camp to-day and report from there that Red Cloud, Little Wound, Two Strike and Big Roar and others will come in tomorrow.