Show in London and Queen Alexandra Patted the Brown Cheeks of the Little Indian Children.
LONDON, March 16.—The queen and king, accompanied by Princess Victoria, Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark, and three of the children of the Prince of Wales, attended "Buffalo Bill's" Wild West show at the Olympia Saturday, occupying a specially constructed box. After the show they visited the Indian camp, where Colonel Cody was introduced. Colonel Cody and Major Burks then escorted the royal party through the settlement, where the "Rough Riders" were drawn up in a double line. The king conversed with Colonel Cody, commenting on the styles of horsemanship. At the center of the camp two tiny Indians gave the queen big bouquets. She took the flowers and, kneeling down, shook the little brown hands and patted the children's cheeks.
King Edward asked for "Johnny" Baker, whom he knew when Prince of Wales, and complimented Baker upon his skill in shooting.