Home Club Will Entertain Men Who Took Part in Battles Which Have Been Reproduced.
Indian fighting on the Western plains will be shown in motion pictures before a distinguished audience at the Home Club, 14 Jackson place, this evening. In the audience will be several persons who participated in the scenes that are to be shown.
The films are not moving picture plays in any sense of the word. Actuated by the fact that events of recent occurrence have been preserved for the future generations in motion pictures, it occurred to Col. William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), and Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., retired, that some permanent picture record of the Indian campaigns should be made for the files of the War and Interior Departments, before the men who participated in these actions were dead.
Many of the Indians and the soldiers who fought them are living. General Miles and "Buffalo Bill" were in many of the battles. Last summer they accompanied a large party of military heroes to the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and other sections where Indian campaigns were conducted.
Several battles were reproduced on the old battlefields before a battery of motion picture cameras. The mimic warfare was directed by General Miles, Gen. Jesse M. Lee, Gen. Frank D. Baldwin, Gen. Marion P. Maus, Gen. Charles King, and Gen. H. G. Sickles.
It required three months to take the pictures, after which they were taken to Chicago, where sets were made for the archives of the War and Interior departments. Duplicates were shown at noon today at the Columbia before members and guests of the National Press Club.
This evening's exhibition at the Home Club will be the most important, as invitations have been extended to President Wilson, members of the Cabinet, and many distinguished officials of the Government. Secretary of the Interior Lane, president of the Home Club, will preside.