The latest attraction at Buffalo Bill's Wild West is a troupe of Cossacks, who appear daily, and give several feats of equestrian dexterity, under the direction of a real live Russian prince with an unpronounceable name, viz., Prince Ivan Makharadze. The performance, taken on the whole, is a very interesting one, and gives one an opportunity of comparing the modes and manners of Wild Eastern horsemanship with those of the Wild West. Their entrance in the arena is rather impressive, as they ride and chant a tune, about which there is very little variety. It is, however, a refreshing change to "Ta-ra-ra-Boom-de-ay," and as there is very little probability of its becoming as popular as the latter, there is not much danger to be apprehended. The next item is a quaint dance to a continuous encore of clapping of hands. Each member of the troupe takes his turn on a platform and performs the national dance in a thoroughly conscientious and earnest manner. But it is reserved for the last dancer, evidently the premier danser of the company, to excel on the light fantastic toe, and he indulges in steps that provoke the audience to a high state of hilarity.
"He can do it on his head"
The Premier Dancer
Following this is a series of remarkable feats on horseback, such as picking up whips, dismounting and remounting at full gallop, standing on their heads upon the saddle, riding backwards, &c., the whole concluding with the Cossack game of "Hold the handkerchief." The interpreter to the troupe, an Englishman, has been, since a boy, brought up in the country of the Cossacks, and the romantic feature about his case is that he has quite lost touch of his parents and relations, and is now engaged in a quest to find their whereabouts. Next week a troupe of Argentine horsemen will make their appearance in the arena to give some idea of the horsemanship practised in that country. Anybody visiting the exhibition should not miss the performance of the band of Le Garde Republicaine. It is composed of eighty performers, the band being under the conductorship of M. Gustave Wettge. In addition to the display by the Cossacks, the other entertainment continues to prove a source of amusement to thousands of persons daily. "Buffalo Bill" performs his remarkable shooting feats while on horseback, and a young damsel and a third artist also show remarkable skill with the rifle while shooting in various positions on the ground. The cowboys continue their amusing, as well as daring, horseback feats. Some of the racing proves very exciting, as is also the attack on the historic coach and the settlers' home. The performances of the Indians are as instructive and entertaining as ever. Altogether the show is an excellent one, and is loudly applauded at each performance. A word of praise should be given to Mr. H. M. Clifford for his admirable delivery of the lecture, which describes the various incidents of the programme. Nor will visitors fail to be delighted with the natural beauties of the Horticultural Exhibition.