Simply enter the word you wish to find and the search engine will search for every instance of the word in the journals. For example: Fight. All instances of the use of the word fight will show up on the results page.
Using an asterisk (*) will increase the odds of finding the results you are seeking. For example: Fight*. The search results will display every instance of fight, fights, fighting, etc. More than one wildcard may be used. For example: *ricar*. This search will return most references to the Aricara tribe, including Ricara, Ricares, Aricaris, Ricaries, Ricaree, Ricareis, and Ricarra. Using a question mark (?) instead of an asterisk (*) will allow you to search for a single character. For example, r?n will find all instances of ran and run, but will not find rain or ruin.
Searches are not case sensitive. For example: george will come up with the same results as George.
Searching for a specific phrase may help narrow down the results. Rather long phrases are no problem. For example: "This white pudding we all esteem".
Because of the creative spellings used by the journalists, it may be necessary to try your search multiple times. For example: P?ro*. This search brings up numerous variant spellings of the French word pirogue, "a large dugout canoe or open boat." Searching for P?*r*og?* will bring up other variant spellings. Searching for canoe or boat also may be helpful.
Entering in only one field | Searches |
Year, Month, & Day | Single day |
Year & Month | Whole month |
Year | Whole year |
Month & Day | 1600-#-# to 2100-#-# |
Month | 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31 |
Day | 1600-01-# to 2100-12-# |
a protest against the issuance of land patents for portions of the Shoshone Irrigation Company's Carey Act
selling water rights to settlers who expected to gain clear title to the irrigated lands under the Carey Act
Cody and his partners in the Shoshone Irrigation Company applied for a segregation under the Carey Act
1899, Darrah filed a protest against the issuance of land patents for portions of the company's Carey Act
selling water rights to settlers who expected to gain clear title to the irrigated lands under the Carey Act
a protest against the issuance of land patents for portions of the Shoshone Irrigation Company's Carey Act
Note 3: Land patents were granted to homesteaders on sections of land being reclaimed under the Carey Act
Cody hoped Cleveland would soon sign over the lands for settlement in the Big Horn Basin under the Carey Act
The "Board" mentioned here is the Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners, which shared authority over Carey Act
Note 2: The concession to which Cody refers was a land segregation under the terms of the Carey Act .
2: Cody, Beck, and their partners planned to apply for a land segregation under the terms of the Carey Act
whom Cody was hoping would soon sign over the lands for settlement in the Big Horn Basin under the Carey Act
Note 9: The Wyoming government body overseeing the Carey Act was the State Land Board in Cheyenne.
Note 2: The Wyoming government body overseeing the Carey Act was the State Land Board in Cheyenne.
hoping would soon sign over the lands for reclamation and settlement in the Big Horn Basin under the Carey Act
Although Cody and Salsbury acquired state water rights and a federal Carey Act segregation for the project
The canal was begun by the Shoshone Irrigation Company in 1895 as the first Carey Act project in Wyoming
Carey Act The Carey Act, passed by Congress in 1894 and named after Wyoming's U.S. senator Joseph M.
Investors in a Carey Act project expected to profit from selling water rights to settlers in the newly-irrigated
persons who would buy their water rights from the Shoshone Irrigation Company under the terms of the Carey Act
schemes in Wyoming and particularly in the big horn basin I presume you know that under the Cary act Carey Act
George I havent haven't the money to go on this winter & that Carey Act is so uncertain.
Foote led the effort against the Carey Act in Wyoming.
Foote led the effort against the Carey Act in Wyoming.
The board supervised Carey Act irrigation projects in the state, in cooperation with the state engineer
North side of river from Demarris Springs to Garland— When I released my segregations under the Carey Act
Foote led the effort against the Carey Act in Wyoming.
Foote led the effort against the Carey Act in Wyoming.
a protest against the issuance of land patents for portions of the Shoshone Irrigation Company's Carey Act
selling water rights to settlers who expected to gain clear title to the irrigated lands under the Carey Act