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Lakota Performers

1042 items

Indians for Buffalo Bill
March 31, 1891 Texts Newspapers
Indians Protest against Battle Picture
February 7, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Indians well treated
November 16, 1890 Texts Newspapers
The Intelligent Foreigner at The Wild West
May 18, 1887 Texts Newspapers
International Horticultural Exhibition
May 9, 1892 Texts Newspapers
The International Horticultural Exhibition
May 19, 1892 Texts Newspapers
The International Horticultural Exhibition
May 14, 1892 Texts Newspapers
The International Horticultural Exhibition
June 4, 1892 Texts Newspapers
The International Horticultural Show
May 21, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Interviews with Notorious People
June 4, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Iron Tail
1916 Images Poster
Iron White Man, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
March 15, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Joe Black Fox
circa 1898 Images Illustration
Joe Little Moon and Rosa Little Moon
1935 Images Photograph
John Little Elk
Images Photograph
John Little Elk's Vest
Images Photograph
John Painted Horse
circa 1909-1913 Images Photograph
Jokorial | London Day By Day & Night By Night
August 27, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Judge Lynch in London
July 31, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Julie and Jenny Nelson
circa 1892 Images Cabinet Cards
Käsebier studio, Sioux Indians drawing
circa 1898 Images Photograph
K-E-S-E Adventures of Buffalo Bill
February 10, 1917 Texts Periodicals
Killed-His-Pony Buried
July 5, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Kill-His-Pony Is Dead
June 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Kills Close to the Lodge, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Kills First, Sioux Indian
circa 1898 Images Photograph
"Kills His Pony" No More
June 18, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Kills-Many Is Dead
June 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers
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