There was another great crowd at Tuesday afternoon's performance, fully 12,000 to 13,000 persons being present. The programme was fulfilled with surprising freshness, and without the slightest hitch or accident. The evening exhibition was attended by an audience whose size was only limited by the seating capacity of the structure. The programme gone through was much the same as that witnessed in the afternoon. The feats of horsemanship were simply marvellous, whilst the rifle and revolver shooting elicited much admiration and applause. In this connection Claude Lorraine Daly (whose sister, by the way, visits Cardiff next week with Wilson Barrett's company) deserves special mention. The rapidity and accuracy with which he hit the balls thrown in the air were as striking as they were exceptional. Annie Oakley and Colonel Cody were also remarkably dexterous in handling the rifle. The performance throughout went without a hitch of any kind, the exhibition of life as seen in the Wild West being as acceptable as it is novel.