Annie Oakley—"little sure shot," was the graceful title bestowed on her by an old Indian chief [1] —performs marvels of accurate shooting with shot-gun and rifle at glass balls thrown up into the air;
The shooting of Miss Annie Oakley has been referred to above. We saw the clever little lady in her neatly arranged tent after the performance, and learned from her several interesting matters as to her shooting. She uses both shot-guns and rifles during her feats—rifles principally—and smokeless powder. "The English can beat Americans at making powder and shot-guns," said Miss Oakley, "but the Americans make the best rifles and pistols. Some of my English shot-guns cost as much as £40. The smokeless powder is perfectly harmless in bulk if left loose, even if a lighted match is dropped into it." (This was proved by experiment.) "It is only when compressed that it is a dangerous explosive." "She was not shooting quite so well yesterday as sometimes," said Miss Oakley in reply to a question. "I feel now and then as if I could not miss a shot; but this afternoon I missed three. Occasionally, I have indeed missed on purpose; because it looks so easy if you never miss, and the spectators might think there was a trick in it." Miss Oakley is very complimentary in speaking of the shooting feats of her colleagues connected with the show;
Note 1: The "old Indian chief" was Hunkpapa Sioux Chief Sitting Bull, 1831-1890. [back]