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811 items found for search term Yellow Hair (Hay-o-wei or Heova'ehe), c.1850-1876
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Gen. Nelson A. Miles Writes Story of the Great Conspiracy
"...Merriam, Henry C. (Henry Clay), 1837-1912..."
"...Tupper, Tullius C...."
"...Maus, Marion P. (Marion Perry), 1850-1930..."
"...Graham, James C...."
Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876
"...Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876..."
"...Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876..."
"...James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok (1837-1876), one of the most notable figures of the American West..."
"... in March 1874. In March 1876 Hickok married Agnes Lake and thereafter organized gold prospectors..."
Custer's Last Stand as Presented by Buffalo Bill's Wild West
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... American Indians Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... and wear the hair long, and display a glittering knife and revolver at their sides. They generally manage..."
"... at Hendry's hay camp, five miles west of us, cut out the horses from a number wagons under which the drivers..."
Warriors Watch Old Battles with Indians
"...Maus, Marion P. (Marion Perry), 1850-1930..."
"... before. The pictures cover scenes from 1876 to 1891 — from the battle of War Bonnet Creek in the Custer..."
Story of the Wild West and Camp-Fire Chats
"...Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... of this wonderful man is a succession of Marvelous Adventures and Hair-Breadth Escapes IN THE WILDERNESS..."
Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, October 6, 1895
"...Wetmore, Helen Cody, 1850-1911..."
".... Scheible, . . . Business Manager.Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer. Wilmington N. C.1 Oct— 6th 95 My. Dear— Beck..."
Thrilling Indian War Pictures at Tabor
"...Maus, Marion P. (Marion Perry), 1850-1930..."
".... Gen. Marion P. Maus, Col. H. C. Sickles, with the gallant Seventh and Twelfth United States cavalry..."
First Scalp for Custer
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 First Scalp..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
Phillip Standing Soldier, Sioux Indian
"...Standing Soldier, Phillip, 1876-..."
"... Lakota Performers Standing Soldier, Phillip, 1876..."
"...Standing Soldier, Phillip, 1876-..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, January 24, 1896
"... Manager. John O. Stevens, Secretary. 56 Received at1427 F. St. N. W., Wash'N, D. C. (Where any reply..."
"..., Washn., D. C. Think you Warren1 Mondell2 Mead and other Wyoming men there should all call at one time..."
Pioneer Stories
"... was in and secure a fine scalp, as I had a head covered with brown hair and that is what they were always after. My..."
"... hair began to turn grey from that experience! When the train came down from Harker the next morning, I..."
The Cowboy Craze
"... to Lord Charles a big, powerful man with long hair and what is here called a sombrero. Presently he..."
"...-haired handsome giant has every art of being at home. Why should he not? It must be easier..."
Some Still Wilder Reminiscences
"... possibly have noted, yet been able to find time even to have my hair properly cut! This, however..."
"... adventures, the hair-breadth escapes, and the combats to the death in which I have been engaged even since my..."
"Buffalo Bill's" Wild West Show in Glasgow
"...Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... skill as a shot. Among those who distinguished themselves in this way were Miss Annie Oakley, Mr L. C..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Clarence W. Rowley, July 18, 1915
"... a wagon road could be built from the Town of Cody into Yellow Stone Park, and it was through my efforts..."
Marvellous Horsemen
"... of the gloomy Russian steppes appear in voluminous cloaks of yellow, brown, and green, that stream in the wind..."
Untitled [Are English wives the best in the world?]
"... darkness, coupled with silence, except for the rumble of distant trains. Then the red and yellow-ochred..."
Cossacks at Earl's Court
"..., a long yellow coat reaching down to the knees, and top-boots. Add to this an armory of weapons..."
Royal Visit to the American Exhibition
"... in a yellow blanket; and had his body painted in most gorgeous colours. The notice taken of the children..."
Are English Wives the Best in the World?
"... with silence, except for the rumble of distant trains. Then the red and yellow-ochred Indians steal silently..."
Cast of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
"..., William Levi (Buck) Taylor, Jule Keen, possibly Ella Irving and Jenny Nelson (Yellow Elk Woman). George..."
Indians in England
"..., and there the people would scrutinize them very closely. Their long straight black hair was the chief cause for wonder..."
The Funniest of Marriages
"... your butes," was the response of the bashful hair-lifter. "And you, Miss, are you willing to take..."
Telegram from Franklin K. Lane to John R. Brennan, August 28, 1913
".... Note 3: Major James "White Hair" McLaughlin (1842-1923) became a United States Service Indian Agent..."
Kicking Bear as a Model
"... handsomest eagle feathers in his hair, which he had slicked down and carefully braided. He wore beaded..."
From Pampas to Pavement
"... is stuck through the sash that girdles his waist, his hair is black and tied up in a red handkerchief under..."
Letter from Alonzo Ballard to Charles M. Murdock, September 24, 1867
"... Fort Hays Kans Miss or Mr C. M. Murdock Washington Kansas Dear Friend Squire told me to write him..."
Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"...George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) graduated last in the class of 1861 at the United States..."
"... Buffalo Bill Cody and Lieutenant General Philip Sheridan. Four years later, on June 25, 1876, Custer died..."
Our Sioux Swells
"... and Mrs. Plenty Blanket. These ladies wore their hair decollete and had fashionable red and black horse..."
"... THAT WAS LEFT of the Indian in their appearance was the straight black hair braided with bright beads..."
"... breasts and feathers in their hair, now wearing collars and neckties, with diamonds in their shirt fronts..."
"Buffalo Bill" in Parliament
"... in stature, is perfectly proportioned, and would weigh about 200 pounds. His hair is dark brown, illuminated..."
"... of gray has yet invaded the long hair or the sweeping moustache of this border knight. Neither time nor..."
"... through more danger and saw more real hair-raising service than a great many gentlemen who figure..."
Untitled [The Denver News received a telegram]
"...Fort Hays (Kan.)..."
"... Fort Hays.- The Denver News received a telegram from Fort Hays which says there are quite large..."
"..., and is called Hays City. The Company are bringing 50 families from New York State to settle as farmers..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, May 12, 1896
".... Number A1 Sent By We Rec'd by xD Check 13Pd Received at 5/12 1896 Dated Columbus Ind 122 To Geo T Beck c..."
".../o A Bell3 Every member company from Alger down complaining can get no reports from you W F Cody Note..."
Letter from William H. Hinebaugh to John H. Tait, February 11, 1914
"... Committeeman, Oracle, Arizona. Albany Hotel Denver Col. c/o Col Cody OracleAriz.Feb 161914[7] AM ..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Al Goodman, February 12, 1882
"... Will remain in the office. Akron, O. Feb 12 1882 My. Dear. Al. Enclosed find draft for. $500.00. have written..."
"... of the girls than myself for I can make all the money I want. Will write you from. C Love to all Yours. Bill..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to Edward Goodman, May 13, 1896
"... 13.2 To T R Goodman3 c/o Yegen & Co4Billings Hurry get Basin5 Help Beck with Town6 W F Cody Note 1..."
Telegram from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, January 24, 1896
"... and General Manager.John O. Stevens, Secretary. 36 Received at1427 F. St. N. W., Wash'n, D. C.(Where Any Reply..."
Ladies and Gentlemen
"... living American character, BUFFALO BILL. Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company c-o Motion Picture..."
Letter from William F. Cody to Julia Cody Goodman, September 24, 1883
"... Write me Toledo. O. Oct.2-3th Detroit. Mich Oct 4 & 5 I send Nellie a little money by express..."
"... & get the deeds in her name &c— Cousin Sophia since her daughter was out there has changed her tune..."
Buffalo Bill's Early Days
"...Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876..."
"... Victoria, who held the title "Empress of India" from 1876 to 1901. Note 2: "Wild Bill" was James Butler..."
"... Hickok (1837-1876), a mentor and friend to William F. Cody, as well as a fellow performer..."
"...) was Edward Zane Carroll Judson, Sr., or E. Z. C. Judson, an American writer, journalist, publicist..."
Applin, Vincent Augustin
"...Vincent Augustin Applin (1850-1895) was a member of the Incorporated Law Society and Solicitor..."
The Grand Duke Alexis
"... of the country THE GRAND DUKE ALEXIS, OF RUSSIA. [From a Photograph furnished by C. D. Fredricks & Co., 587..."
"... in January, 1850. He is the third son of the Emperor, and is cultivated and intelligent. Like Prince Bismarck..."
Exhibition of Saddlery and Harness
"... it we learn that Egypt is where we meet with the earliest mention of cavalry, chariots, &c., large..."
"... references to horses, &c. The older sculpturist paintings of horses go to shew that for many centuries..."
"... that the earliest form of saddle was a pad and girth and without stirrups. A coin of Labicnus circa B. C. 40 bears..."
"... that remains of it is the saddle-tree of oak with its padding of hay and canvas. The decay of feudal custom led..."
Letter from Hercules Price to Ferdinand Erhardt, December 29, 1907
".... (c/o Mr. A. Roenigk). Dear Comrade:, Your letter of 23rd instant, and Map of Nebraska received I have..."
"... to General Eugene A. Carr, care Adjutant General, US.A [sic], Washington, D. C. or Major Worth who..."
Red Men Bite the Dust
"...Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876..."
"...Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876..."
"... trained to the plow. F. S. Little, W. Rucker, R. S. Ricker, A. C. Putnam. It is safe to say that the above..."
"... action at a moment's notice." A telegram was received by General Miles from Judge C. C. Rice of Martin, N..."
Indian's Appeal
"... Pe-Ha-Has-Ka and Paha-Haska, as translated from Lakota Sioux language, means "Long Hair," the name..."
Buffalo Bill as a Rifle Shot
"... that the game would be gone, and if in a hostile country his hair also. In conclusion, I will say..."