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2223 items found for search term people:"Hickok, James Butler "Wild Bill", 1837-1876"

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June 24, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The "Wild West"

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... exhibited are trained to buck. Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" cowboys undertake to ride any horse that anyone..."

"...The "Wild West"..."

"...Wild horses..."

June 26, 1891 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West Show in Leeds

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... THE WILD WEST SHOW IN LEEDS. Buffalo Bill's "Wild West Show" at Leeds promises to be a great..."

"...The Wild West Show in Leeds..."

"...Wild horses..."

December 7, 1887 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" in Manchester

"...Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" in Manchester..."

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... BUFFALO BILL'S "WILD WEST" IN MANCHESTER. Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" company has gone..."

"... of a mining village. Thus, successful as was Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" in London, it is anticipated..."

February 8, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West Show

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"...The Wild West Show..."

"... THE WILD WEST SHOW. The important football matches being played in the city on Saturday naturally..."

"... Buffalo Bill's great show in the East-End. Consequently, a very large crowd gathered in the evening..."

January 5, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Frank Richmond died in Barcelona]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Italy & Spain..."

"... Frank Richmond, for several years connected with Buffalo Bill's Wild West exhibition as "orator..."

"... features of the exhibition on the occasion of her visit to the Wild West in London. Mr. Richmond..."

"... connection with the Wild West, an actor of ability, having been at various times connected with several..."

August 21, 1888 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West show

"... THE WILD WEST SHOW. Notes of Interest About the Exhibition and Buffalo Bill's Visitors..."

"...The Wild West show..."

"... Sandy Forsyth, formerly on General Sheridan's staff, was at the Wild West yesterday visiting his old..."

"... of their fathers and relatives from the Pine Ridge Agency are now with Buffalo Bill. One of the curiosities..."

September 2, 1892 Texts Newspapers

International Horticultural Exhibition and Wild West

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... for the greatest of all attractions, 'Buffalo Bill's Wild West.' The 2,500 free seats were filled nearly two hours..."

"...International Horticultural Exhibition and Wild West..."

"... INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION AND WILD WEST. Much has been written and published..."

April 18, 1908 Texts Newspapers

Wild West chiefs initiated

"... WILD WEST CHIEFS INITIATED. Buffalo Bill's Red Men Now Have a Friars' Order of Their Own..."

"... in "Buffalo Bill's" Wild West Indian camp means that these friarly red men have been placed in charge of all..."

"...Wild West chiefs initiated..."

"... feeling among the Indians of the Wild West, and when the fifty-seven Japs come to the show the chiefs..."

August 6, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [It was my fate and fortune to be left alone in London on Bank Holiday]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"..., not to see the Wild West Bill and his painted savages, or to see the Wild West Kensington Picotee..."

"... of sunshine, perhaps four during the day. I went to the Wild West Horticultural Exhibition—no, dear friends..."

April 28, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Funeral of Frank Richmond

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Italy & Spain..."

"... Richmond, the lecturer of Buffalo Bill's Wild West, took place at Greenwood Cemetery yesterday afternoon..."

"... in the House of Representatives. In the fall of 1882 he took the position of lecturer for the Wild West..."

"... his connection with the Wild West Richmond was an actor. He was a son of the late Dr. Henry Twitchell..."

May 11, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Earl's Court Exhibition

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... on the energy of the management. When all is said and done, Buffalo Bill is the great attraction..."

"... of the exhibition, and the encampment where the wild redskin and the still wilder cowboy can be seen in their habit..."

"... the pull, however, as their cats were in effigy, while ours, unfortunately, are not. What between the Wild..."

May 11, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Earl's Court Exhibition

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... on the energy of the management. When all is said and done, Buffalo Bill is the great attraction..."

"... of the exhibition, and the encampment where the wild redskin and the still wilder cowboy can be seen in their habit..."

"... the pull, however, as their cats were in effigy, while ours, unfortunately, are not. What between the Wild..."

July 17, 1892 Texts Newspapers

High Jinks at the Wild West

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"...High Jinks at the Wild West..."

"... HIGH JINKS AT THE WILD WEST. On Tuesday there was a large contingent of Americans who gathered..."

"... in the early morning hours at the Wild West Show to witness a baseball match between the cowboys and a number..."

June 16, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Wild West

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"...The Wild West..."

"... THE WILD WEST. The popularity, and consequently the sale of any game, depends upon the amount..."

"... a series of picture toys, illustrating amongst other things the doings of Buffalo Bill and his celebrated..."

June 11, 1892 Texts Newspapers

"The Wild West"

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... "THE WILD WEST."—Another addition has been made to Buffalo's Bill's "Wild West Show" at the Earl's..."

"..."The Wild West"..."

July 1, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The latest addition to the constantly increasing number of clever horsemen]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... at Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" is a troop of South American "Gauchos" from the Argentine pampas..."

"..., and in their ability to cope with wild horses and "buckers" are equal to the smartest of Colonel Cody's cowboys..."

".... They throw the bolas—a missile of hide thongs, "WILD WEST" SKETCHES: 1. Cossack Fancy Riding. 2. Picking up..."

October 15, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Our William in Germany

"... Herald Cable—Special to THE BEE.]—Buffalo Bill's Wild West show boom in Germany still continues. All..."

"... red men are subjected to in Europe. Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Stuttgart, Germany, October..."

July 26, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The other afternoon I met Sarah Bernhardt]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... on the stage. She is thoroughly fresh, of course. Her aunt had taken her the day before to see Buffalo Bill's..."

"... Wild West Show. The little one chatted away at a marvellous rate of all the wonderful things she had..."

August 6, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Old Friends

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... of the Nottingham Guardian. She was taken, with a considerable retinue, to see the glories of the Wild West..."

"..., and was introduced by the Liberian Minister to Buffalo Bill. In the course of the conversation it transpired that she..."

June 20, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [His Highness the Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda, G.C.S.I.]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... at the performance of Buffalo Bill' "Wild West," where they were received by Major Burke.His Highness was greatly..."

Life Personography

Flying Hawk, 1852-1931

"... and half-brother to Black Fox, both with Buffalo Bill's Wild West; he was also cousin to Crazy Horse..."

"... in Buffalo Bill's Wild West, carrying a staff and riding next to William F. Cody in parades. Flying Hawk..."

Life Personography

Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926

"... neighborhood in Ohio where the couple lived for a time. In 1885 the couple joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West..."

"...--Annie Oakley as a female sharpshooter and Frank Butler as her manager; they remained with Buffalo Bill's..."

"... Wild West until 1901. With the combination of her ladylike demeanor and professional shooting talent..."

Life Personography

Tait, John H., c.1873-1940

"... of Buffalo Bill's Wild West in route books for the 1899 and 1902 seasons; it is likely that Tait may have..."

"... performed for Buffalo Bill's Wild West in other seasons as well. He was employed by the Sells-Floto Circus..."

September 24, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Mr. Cody shuts up his show at Earl's-court]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"...Wild horses..."

"... ever. The World's Fair over, Buffalo Bill will become a private gentleman, and farm largely..."

December 29, 1899 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill enters protest

"... BUFFALO BILL ENTERS PROTEST Commissioner Jones' Indian Order Would Ruin Wild West Show. Since..."

"...Buffalo Bill enters protest..."

"... the recent announcement of the new policy of the Interior Department discountenancing wild Indian exhibitions..."

October 1, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [As a good deal of scepticism appears to exist about the farewell performances]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... As a good deal of scepticism appears to exist about the farewell performances of "Buffalo Bill's..."

"... of my readers, therefore, who have not witnessed the "Wild West" should lose no time, as in all..."

January 22, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Mr. Nat Salisbury to celebrate New Year in the United States]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... Mr. Nat Salisbury, Buffalo Bill's energetic partner, has had a run across to America to celebrate..."

"... and the more or less brave. He will leave very shortly and return before the "Wild West" leaves Glasgow..."

June 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Gone To the Happy Hunting Ground

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Germany..."

"... administered the sacraments. Kill-Many was connected with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, and was about eighteen..."

June 6, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [A band of South American Gaucho]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... days journey in the interior, to join Buffalo Bill's Wild West, making the sixth delegation..."

August 8, 1891 Texts Newspapers

Marriage of Indians at Old Trafford

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"..., is Calls-the-Name, sister of the chief No Neck, who will "give her away." Mr. J. C. Crager, Buffalo Bill's..."

"..., and after the marriage ceremony, which is to be witnessed by the Indians and whites of the Wild West..."

June 4, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [On Wednesday afternoon a small band of Cossacks]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... Makharadze, made their first appearance in the "Wild West" arena at Earl's Court in conjunction with Buffalo..."

"... Bill's cowboys, Mexicans, and Indians. They are a fine body of men, and look very imposing..."

June 13, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The Duc d'Orléans visited]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... The Duc d'Orléans visited the International Horticultural Exhibition and Buffalo Bill's "Wild West..."

June 18, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The Duc D'Orleans visited]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... THE Duc D'Orléans visited the International Horticultural Exhibition and Buffalo Bill's "Wild West..."

May 14, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Sloper's New Friends

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... W. F. Thomas. SLOPER'S NEW FRIENDS. "Since Buffalo Bill has returned to London with his Wild West..."

June 4, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [Mrs. Langtry was a passenger by the Deadwood Coach]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... MRS. LANGTRY was a passenger by the Deadwood Coach across the Wild West of America last week..."

".... The coach was savagely attacked by Indians, who were, however, repulsed and driven off by Buffalo Bill..."

May 21, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [The question as to whether the International Horiticultural Exhibition]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... of attraction is undoubtedly Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Here, indeed, is no opportunity for finding fault..."

July 14, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Untitled [I wonder if it has ever struck you]

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"... be struck as we sit around gazing at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Circus. I mean in this way. You know a vast..."

October 8, 1892 Texts Newspapers

Riding Buckers

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

"...Wild horses..."

"... RIDING BUCKERS. We all have admired the skill with which Buffalo Bill's rough riders manage to sit..."

September 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers

Buffalo Bill's Show in Germany

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Germany..."

"...?" As one man those three lads arose and thundered, "Buffalo Bill's Wild West!"—Eugene Field3 in Chicago..."

"...Buffalo Bill's Show in Germany..."

"... Buffalo Bill's Show in Germany. All through Germany—ay, all through old, quaint and lovely Europe..."

October 27, 1895 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, October 27, 1895

"... The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World. Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo..."

"... can fix it up. I hate to loose that site— try and let me know soon— B. The Buffalo Bill Wild West..."

"...: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Atlanta, Georgia, from October 28 - November 2, 1895, during the run..."

"...Buffalo Bill's Wyoming..."

October 7, 1896 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck, October 7, 1896

"... Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders.of the World.Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill..."

"... him. I tell you bankruptcy stares us in the face— Salsbury says Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress..."

"... to rain the money. thatsthat's all there is about it— Cody Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed..."

"...Buffalo Bill's Wyoming..."

September 10, 1910 Texts Periodicals

Buffalo Bill Pictures

"... the fact of contention over the Buffalo Bill Wild West pictures. There are two kinds — Carl Goldenberg..."

"...Buffalo Bill Pictures..."

"...Buffalo Bill on Film..."

"... Buffalo Bill Pictures. That there is a merry war on in the film game may be evidenced from..."

September 25, 1903 Texts Correspondence

Letter from William F. Cody to W. A. Richards, September 25, 1903

"... Buffalo Bill's Wild West Touring Great Britain. Pahaska Tepee.1 Grantham. Sep. 25th 19032 W..."

"... associated with the last British tour of Buffalo Bill's Wild West, it is unlikely they were meant..."

"... Bill's Wild West performed in Grantham, England, on September 25, 1903. Note 3: William F. Cody's attempt..."

"...Buffalo Bill's Wyoming..."

2011 Scholarship Papers

American Exceptionalism Meets Indian Enthusiasm: Germany Welcomes the Wild West

"... of Nevada, Las Vegas Buffalo Bill's Wild West show spent almost a third of its life in Europe, traveling..."

"... that fit its own respective culture the best. Thus, the traditional tale of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show..."

"...American Exceptionalism Meets Indian Enthusiasm: Germany Welcomes the Wild West..."

"... American Exceptionalism Meets Indian Enthusiasm: Germany Welcomes the Wild West 8th Biennial..."

August 8, 1892 Texts Newspapers

The Ant-House at the Shrubberies

"...Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Britain..."

Life Personography

Ferrel, Della

"... where she learned to ride horses. She was a cowgirl and trick rider, performing with Buffalo Bill's Wild..."

Life Personography

Frenzeny, Paul

"... of Buffalo Bill's Wild West promotional material, including posters and programs. Eventually, Frenzeny..."

Life Personography

North, Frank J. (Frank Joshua), 1840-1885

"... legislature. In 1884 North joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West as manager of the show Indians at which time he..."

Life Personography

Canfield, George, 1836-1899

"... and confidential secretary during the first two European tours of Buffalo Bill's Wild West...."

Images Photographs

Watch Fob

"... When Buffalo Bill's Wild West was first in Europe, Lakotas made beaded watch fobs..."