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  • 1890 167


Year : 1890

167 results

The Ferment in Dakota
November 28, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Dug Rifle Pits | Rude Indian Defenses in the Bad Lands
December 4, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Don't Agree With Them.
June 16, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Der wilde Westen | The Wild West
July 24, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Current Topics in Europe
February 26, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Cowboys In Old Verona
May 18, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Cossacks mounted on horses
1890 ca. Images Photograph
The Coronation Anniversary
March 4, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Cody and the Coliseum
February 16, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Chief No Neck's Story
July 30, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Indians
August 5, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bills Wild West in Dresden
June 3, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Dresden
June 7, 1890 Texts Newspapers
September 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Riders
March 16, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Present to the Pope
March 4, 1890 Texts Newspapers
September 24, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Cowboys in Rome
March 5, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Boys
March 6, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Ankunft | Buffalo Bill's Arrival
June 17, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bills
February 21, 1890 Texts Newspapers
September 30, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill Is Home Again
November 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers
"Buffalo Bill" in the Vatican
March 9, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill in Rome
March 6, 1890 Texts Newspapers
"Buffalo Bill" in Rome
March 6, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill In Italy
February 21, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill in Italy
March 27, 1890 Texts Newspapers
July 26, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill in Berlin
July 24, 1890 Texts Newspapers
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