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Lakota Performers

1042 items

King Saw Buffalo Bill
March 16, 1903 Texts Newspapers
Ladies and Gentlemen
September 17, 1910 Texts Periodicals
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers
Images Photograph
Lakota Performers in Brussels
1891 Images Photograph
Lakotas Demonstrating Breaking Camp
1891 Images Photograph
Last of a Brave
June 23, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Last of the Great Scouts
1899 Texts Books
The Last "Wild West"
August 31, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Le Poney Express
Images Poster
Leipzig Notes | Buffalo Bill's Wild West
June 22, 1890 Texts Newspapers
March 6, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Letter from W.F. Cody to John R. Brennan
July 7, 1908 Texts Correspondence
Letter from William F. Cody to Charles G. Penney
January 5, 1894 Texts Correspondence
Letter from William F. Cody to Charles G. Penney
March 17, 1894 Texts Correspondence
Letter from William F. Cody to Lindley M. Garrison
August 24, 1913 Texts Correspondence
Letter from William F. Cody to William H. Liddiard
August 5, 1904 Texts Correspondence
Letter, Käsebier re: Mary Lone Bear
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Letters From the Old Country
March 13, 1888 Texts Newspapers
October 5, 1895 Texts Newspapers
The Lion of London
July 31, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Little Bull
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Chief
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Chief
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Little Finger, tipi behind
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Lizzie Long Wolf
1883-1916 Images Cabinet Cards
The Looker On
May 14, 1892 Texts Newspapers
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