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2527 items

London Letter
January 31, [1888] Texts Newspapers
London Notes
May 10, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Life Personography
Life Biographies
Long Wolf holding pistol
circa 1886 Images Cabinet Cards
The Looker On
May 14, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Los Angeles
March 4, 1911 Texts Periodicals
Low Neck Gives a Better Report
July 30, 1890 Texts Newspapers
The Luck of Cody's Camp
February 12, 1888 Texts Newspapers
The Main Buffalo Herd of Kansas
July 11, 1863 Texts Newspapers
Marksmanship: Past and Present
January 1890 Texts Newspapers
Marriage of Buffalo Bill's Interpreter
January 9, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Marriage of Indians at Old Trafford
August 8, 1891 Texts Newspapers
Mary Lone Bear
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Mary Lone Bear, Sioux Indian child
circa 1898 Images Photograph
McCune as Office Manager
March 27, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Life Personography
Life Personography
Multimedia Video
Member of Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band
1887 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Member of Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band
1888 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Memoranda of Agreement with George K. Spoor
September 8, 1913 Texts Records
Memories of Buffalo Bill
1919 Texts Books
Life Personography
Mexican Hidalgo Buffalo Bill's Wild West
circa 1888 Images Poster
Mexican Riders for the Wild West
May 9, 1894 Texts Newspapers
Mexican vaquero mounted on a horse
1900 ca. Images Photograph
Mexicians Ruralies et Vacqueros
1906-09-06 Images Poster
Miss Annie Oakley
September 26, 1891 Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley
November 11, 1891 Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley
Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley
Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley
April 6, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley, of Pine Brook
[February 7, 1887] Texts Newspapers
Miss Annie Oakley's Guns
July 29, 1891 Texts Newspapers
Monday Gossip [Colonel Cody]
January 13, 1892 Texts Newspapers
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