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Wild West in Britain

790 items

Amusements | General mention
May 15, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Notes and Opinions
May 15, 1888 Texts Newspapers
The Coming of Cody
May 13, 1888 Texts Newspapers
May 5, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Sale of Buffalo Bill's Stock
May 3, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Serious Shooting Accident at The Wild West
May 3, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Untitled [Letter to Mr. B. Goodall]
April 22, 1888 Texts Newspapers
An Admirer of "Buffalo Bill"
April 17, 1888 Texts Newspapers
The Wild West
April 8, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Letters From the Old Country
March 13, 1888 Texts Newspapers
March 2, 1888 Texts Newspapers
February 1888 Texts Newspapers
Track and stable talk
February 24, 1888 Texts Newspapers
February 22, 1888 Texts Periodicals
Untitled [Tremendous jubilation]
February 19, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Christening the Papoose
February 19, 1888 Texts Newspapers
February 18, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Christening an Indian Baby
February 16, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
February 16, 1888 Texts Newspapers
The Luck of Cody's Camp
February 12, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill and Albert Edward
February 11, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Birth at the Wild West Camp
February 9, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
February 8, [1888] Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill as an Author
February 1, 1888 Texts Newspapers
London Letter
January 31, [1888] Texts Newspapers
January 25, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Nate Salsbury's News
January 23, 1888 Texts Newspapers
No. 37.—Major John M. Burke. ("Arizona John.")
January 20, 1888 Texts Newspapers
The National Defenses
January 10, 1888 Texts Newspapers
Member of Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band
1888 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Mule drawn Deadwood stagecoach
1888 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Lillian Smith
1888 ca. Images Cabinet Cards
Our Ladies' Column
Texts Newspapers
Untitled [A correspondent writes]
1887 Texts Newspapers
Untitled [The Princess of Wales]
[1887] Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Little Joke
December 28, 1887 Texts Newspapers
December 24, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Inaugural Invitation Exhibition of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
December 17, 1887 Memorabilia Programs
December 7, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Untitled [Two Sioux Indians]
December 3, 1887 Texts Newspapers
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