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Lakota Performers

1042 items

Edward Two Two's Gravestone
Images Photograph
Exhibition of Saddlery and Harness
July 21, 1892 Texts Newspapers
False Impressions Given Italians of American Cities
January 5, 1917 Texts Newspapers
The Ferment in Dakota
November 28, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Fights Are Filmed
March 29, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Flies Above
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
Flying Hawk
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Flying Horse
circa 1898 Images Photograph
Francis Little Moon Armbands
Images Photograph
Frank Brave Eagle, John Shot At and Sam Good Boy
circa 1909-1913 Images Photograph
Fresh Attractions at the "Horty"
July 30, 1892 Texts Newspapers
From Pampas to Pavement | Gauchos in London
June 11, 1892 Texts Newspapers
From Prairie to Palace
circa 1910 Images Poster
Gauchos at the Wild West
July 2, 1892 Texts Newspapers
Gen. Miles to Ride as a Hero for the Movies
October 4, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Ghost Dog and two family members
1911 Images Photograph
Gladstone and Buffalo Bill
May 3, 1887 Texts Newspapers
Gone To the Happy Hunting Ground
June 19, 1890 Texts Newspapers
Good Eagle
circa 1887 Images Cabinet Cards
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