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  • Newspapers 1178


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Subcategory : Newspapers

1178 results

Buffalo Bill's Life Will be Made Into Film
June 22, 1925 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill in Films
June 22, 1925 Texts Newspapers
Picture Plays and People
December 10, 1922 Texts Newspapers
Adventures of Buffalo Bill
March 1917 Texts Newspapers
At the Movies
March 29, 1917 Texts Newspapers
The Theaters
March 10, 1917 Texts Newspapers
Favorite Stars in Big Plays Featured in Bills of Week
February 4, 1917 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill On Screen in Indian Fights
January 28, 1917 Texts Newspapers
Canned Genius
January 21, 1917 Texts Newspapers
"Crisis" A Notable Film
January 21, 1917 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill—Last of the Vanished Wild West's Heroes
January 18, 1917 Texts Newspapers
False Impressions Given Italians of American Cities
January 5, 1917 Texts Newspapers
"Wild Bill" Hickok
January 1916 Texts Newspapers
Clune's Auditorium
October 8, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Fake War Pictures Stir the East Side
September 6, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Cody's Old Pard Adjectival On Coming Circus
June 4, 1914 Texts Newspapers
May 15, 1914 Texts Newspapers
May 11, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Fights Are Filmed
March 29, 1914 Texts Newspapers
McCune as Office Manager
March 27, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Big Films Fail to Make Connection
March 26, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Police Personals
March 1, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Warriors Watch Old Battles with Indians
February 28, 1914 Texts Newspapers
View Col. Cody's Films
February 28, 1914 Texts Newspapers
View Indian Battles
February 27, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Indians Enraged at "Movie" Battle Belittling Redskins
February 9, 1914 Texts Newspapers
Indians Protest against Battle Picture
February 7, 1914 Texts Newspapers
See Themselves in Battle
January 22, 1914 Texts Newspapers
1913 Texts Newspapers
Indian Griefs to Washington
December 16, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Notes and Gleanings
November 9, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Reproduce Fight for Film
November 7, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Gen. Miles to Ride as a Hero for the Movies
October 4, 1913 Texts Newspapers
General Miles Will Be an Actor for "Movies"
September 29, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Wild West Now in the Movies
August 22, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Buffalo Bill's Failure
July 30, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Film Promoters Sued
April 11, 1913 Texts Newspapers
Suit over Wild West Films
May 30, 1912 Texts Newspapers
A Frontier Hero
December 30, 1911 Texts Newspapers
Ready to Attack the Picture Shows
January 28, 1911 Texts Newspapers
Big Chief Sees Buffalo Bill.
April 29, 1908 Texts Newspapers
Col. Cody, Scout and Indian Fighter
March 8, 1908 Texts Newspapers
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